March 28 - April 1, 2016
Phoenix, Arizona
2016 MRS Spring Meeting

Symposium EE12-Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge

Radiation damage, and related phenomena, naturally occurs in many material settings, including the self-aging of radioactive materials, fission and fusion energy production, nuclear medicine, and implantation in semiconductors. In each of these settings, defects are generated at a high rate and the fate of these defects dramatically modifies the properties of a material. A large body of radiation damage research is devoted to understanding more fully the fate of these defects.

Radiation damage effects are inherently multiscale in nature, ranging from atomic scale events that occur on the picosecond timescale, to manifestations of such atomic scale events in macroscopic components that take years to develop. Traditionally, a sequential approach is adopted to understand radiation effects, by identifying key mechanisms at each scale and using a ‘parameter-passing’ paradigm to build up understanding across the scales. However, due to the highly non-linear nature of irradiation damage, which includes many-body effects, one must add convolutions and correlations in space and time that may make the standard paradigm insufficient to fully characterize irradiation damage effects. To truly understand and predict radiation damage effects, then, requires both a detailed description of atomic level processes as well as models that incorporate this behavior on much longer time and larger length scales. To be successful, this effort requires the synergistic interaction between experimentation and modeling at all scales.

This symposium will focus on the multiscale nature of radiation damage effects, with particular emphasis on fundamental mechanisms and their consequences on materials performance. Submissions emphasizing the relationship between experimentation and modeling to provide enhanced insight into radiation damage effects are strongly encouraged. In addition to these, submissions from fields beyond nuclear energy, where damage accompanies other phenomena, are invited such as implantation in, and modification of semiconductor devices.

Topics will include:

  • Radiation damage effects
  • Nuclear materials
  • Implantation
  • Integrated theory and experiment studies of radiation damage
  • Multiscale modeling of radiation effects

Invited Speakers:

  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _0 (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _1 (University of Technology, Australia)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _2 (FSK Rossendorf, Germany)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _3 (CEA, France)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _4 (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _5 (Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière, France)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _6 (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _7 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _8 (University of Michigan, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _9 (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _10 (University of Wisconsin, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _11 (Dalton Institute, United Kingdom)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _12 (GSI Helmholtz, Germany)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _13 (University of California, San Diego, USA)
  • EE12_Radiation Damage in Materials—A Grand Multiscale Challenge _14 (Ohio State University, USA)

Symposium Organizers

Blas Pedro Uberuaga
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Materials Science and Technology Division

Sharon Ashbrook
University of St Andrews
School of Chemistry
United Kingdom

Jaime Marian
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Karl Whittle
University of Liverpool
School of Engineering
United Kingdom


defects dislocations dopant nuclear materials transmission electron microscopy (TEM)