In recent years, materials characterization and modeling efforts have rapidly evolved to address questions in multiple dimensions (2D, 3D and beyond) and multiple scales (both spatially and temporally) by using multiple modalities (light, electron, X-ray, etc.). To encourage continued materials insights through the application of such techniques, focus will be given to exploring the ways in which tomographic characterization is becoming a quantitative technique in materials science. This symposium will focus on technologies that obtain 3D spatial information across multiple length scales; primarily X-ray tomography and FIB-SEM tomography, but also including complementary approaches.
The emerging fields of in situ and 4D (3D + time) microscopy, which enables the quantification of materials evolution and behavior will be highlighted. This symposium will examine the development of a range of in situ environments that facilitate the study of materials evolution under various conditions including temperature, load, electrochemical cycling, corrosion, etc. Methodologies for 3D and 4D data analysis and quantification, namely image filtering and analysis, geometrical quantification, digital volume correlation, crystallographic analysis, and methods that utilize a starting 3D microstructure as input for computational models (Finite Element, CFD, etc.) are to be explored and highlighted.
Finally, this symposium encourages the discussion of approaches that judiciously utilize information from multiple techniques to answer multi-modal, -dimensional and –scale problems in materials research, and will engage the user community in conversations regarding technique standardization and best practice for this exciting, and emerging field of correlative characterization.