April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Reveal Activated Corrosion Pathways in Lead Mixed-Halide Perovskites Using X-Ray-Based Methods

When and Where

Apr 9, 2025
8:15am - 8:30am
Summit, Level 4, Room 434



Michel De Keersmaecker1,2,Neal Armstrong2,Paul Dietrich3,Nobumichi Tamura4,Carolin Sutter-Fella4,Erin Ratcliff1,2

Georgia Institute of Technology1,The University of Arizona2,SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH3,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory4


Michel De Keersmaecker1,2,Neal Armstrong2,Paul Dietrich3,Nobumichi Tamura4,Carolin Sutter-Fella4,Erin Ratcliff1,2

Georgia Institute of Technology1,The University of Arizona2,SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH3,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory4
Long-term stability in lead halide perovskites has been connected to defect concentrations in their electonic band gap, but rarely their (electro)chemical, physical and dynamic nature, as well as their ion reactivity and mobility. Many culprits (such as O2 and light excitation) for interfacial and ultimately bulk degradation of perovskites have been considered critical for the operational stability of photovoltaic devices and X-ray detectors.1-3 Explanations for the irreversible degradation process, however, range from defects and phase segregation to electrochemical reactions as well as electronic and interfacial property changes.4-6
Here, in situ degradation experiments of device-relevant triple cation mixed halide perovskite films using dry O2 gas in a near ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) method defines the formation of a weakly coordinated form of Pb (relative to Pb in [PbI6]4- octahedra). Simultaneously, oxidized iodide species (I3-) are formed in the illuminated near-surface region causing bromide enrichment, consistent with “de-mixing” under stress. Once UHV conditions the initial perovskite stoichiometry is slowly restored, suggesting “self-healing” of defects when the low stress environment is reestablished. In non-stoichiometric films degradation rates accelerate for FAI-rich stoichiometries, but, more importantly, PbI2-rich stoichiometries show reduced rates, which is explained based on the defect distributions established using our electrochemical approach.7-9
Additionally, operando methodologies based on systematic potential modulation that polarizes the interface of any device stack in combination with structural analysis using synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction suggest a similar “de-mixing” process under moderate electrochemical bias. A larger electrochemical bias induces a irreversible structure change, which is dependent on the buried interface.
Both studies demonstrate an important first step in a systematic approach to understanding the role(s) of environmental and electrical stressors in conjunction with above band-gap illumination that limit device stability. Prior to investing resources in high-throughput device construction, these stypes of studies will be an important asset in the investigation of interface engineering strategies for top contact (and bottom) modifications used as mitigation strategies in device optimization. Additionally, this work extends towards other semiconductive materials or material blends, where operando chemical characterization will be essential to design and support next-generation electronics.

1. N. Aristidou, C. Eames, I. Sanchez-Molina, X. Bu, J. Kosco, M. S. Islam and S. A. Haque, Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 15218.
2. A. Senocrate, T. Acartürk, G. Y. Kim, R. Merkle, U. Starke, M. Grätzel and J. Maier, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 10847-10855.
3. D. Bryant, N. Aristidou, S. Pont, I. Sanchez-Molina, T. Chotchunangatchaval, S. Wheeler, J. R. Durrant and S. A. Haque, Energy and Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 1655-1660.
4. K. Higgins, M. Lorenz, M. Ziatdinov, R. K. Vasudevan, A. V. Ievlev, E. D. Lukosi, O. S. Ovchinnikova, S. V. Kalinin and M. Ahmadi, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2001995.
5. R. Guo, D. Han, W. Chen, L. Dai, K. Ji, Q. Xiong, S. Li, L. K. Reb, M. A. Scheel, S. Pratap, N. Li, S. Yin, T. Xiao, S. Liang, A. L. Oechsle, C. L. Weindl, M. Schwartzkopf, H. Ebert, P. Gao, K. Wang, M. Yuan, N. C. Greenham, S. D. Stranks, S. V. Roth, R. H. Friend and P. Müller-Buschbaum, Nature Energy, 2021, 6, 977-986.
6. M. Ralaiarisoa, I. Salzmann, F. S. Zu and N. Koch, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2018, 4, 1800307.
7. M. De Keersmaecker, N. R. Armstrong and E. L. Ratcliff, Energy and Environmental Science, 2021, 14, 4840-4846.
8. M. De Keersmaecker, N. R. Armstrong and E. L. Ratcliff, ACS Energy Letters, 2022, 7, 4017-4027.
9. M. De Keersmaecker, J. Tirado, N. R. Armstrong and E. L. Ratcliff, ACS Energy Letters, 2023, 9, 243-252.


perovskites | x-ray diffraction (XRD) | x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

Symposium Organizers

Peijun Guo, Yale University
Lina Quan, Virginia Institute of Technology
Sascha Feldmann, Harvard University
Xiwen Gong, University of Michigan

Session Chairs

Sascha Feldmann
Amita Ummadisingu

In this Session