April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Tuning Multimetallic Phosphide Nanorods and Hetero-Nanostructures for Electrocatalysis

When and Where

Apr 7, 2025
8:30am - 8:45am
Summit, Level 4, Room 422



Yulu Zhang1,Sen Zhang1

University of Virginia1


Yulu Zhang1,Sen Zhang1

University of Virginia1
One-dimensional nanomaterials hold significant potential for efficient electrocatalysis in various energy storage and conversion processes. We employed Co2P nanorods as templates to synthesize multicomponent nanomaterials through a series of strategic steps. First, multimetallic phosphide CoMPx nanorods (NRs) were synthesized, where M represents Fe, Ni, Mn, Cu, or their binary combinations. This was achieved via seed-mediated growth followed by thermal post-treatment. The synergistic effects of these components were investigated for enhanced electrocatalytic activity, particularly in the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Second, a series of Co2P/Pd nanorods with tunable shell thicknesses were synthesized through a carefully controlled seed-mediated method. Optimal hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance was achieved in specific heterostructures, benefiting from strain and ligand effects. Finally, Pd shell surfaces were decorated with Au dendrites to enhance CO tolerance without blocking Pd surface active sites, resulting in a unique multi-interfacial structure with significantly improved electrocatalytic oxidation reaction (EOR) activity.


Co | nanoscale

Symposium Organizers

Shoji Hall, Johns Hopkins University
Megan Jackson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yao Yang, Cornell University
Emil Hernandez-Pagan, University of Delaware

Session Chairs

Emil Hernandez-Pagan
Megan Jackson
Yao Yang

In this Session