April 7 - 11, 2025
Seattle, Washington
Symposium Supporters
2025 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Coherent Infrared Hyper-Raman Four Wave Mixing Spectroscopy—A Probe of Vibronic Coupling and Non-Condon Effects

When and Where

Apr 10, 2025
11:15am - 11:30am
Summit, Level 3, Room 341



Ryan McDonnell1,Daniel Kohler1,John Wright1

University of Wisconsin1


Ryan McDonnell1,Daniel Kohler1,John Wright1

University of Wisconsin1
Ultrafast electronic relaxation is often accelerated by relaxation pathways allowed through vibronic coupling. 2D electronic spectroscopies are often employed to resolve vibronic coupling through vibronic sidebands in electronic transitions. Here, we propose an alternative method, hyper difference frequency generation (HDFG) spectroscopy, based upon coherent hyper-Raman type pathways which directly probe coupling between vibrational and vibronic states. In HDFG, an infrared pulse is resonant with a vibrational mode and a two-photon absorption is used to stimulate a hyper-Raman transition. An Albrecht-type A-B-C term expansion of the HDFG hyperpolarizability suggests HDFG is a sensitive probe of vibronic coupling and, in particular for centrosymmetric species, non-Condon behavior (i.e. B term contributions).



Symposium Organizers

Carlos Silva Acuña, Université de Montréal
Jacob Krich, University of Ottawa
Margherita Maiuri, Politecnico di Milano
Eric Bittner, University of Houston

Session Chairs

Margherita Maiuri
Tonu Pullerits

In this Session