April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Overcoming Negative nFET VTH in Ultra-Thin ITO-IGZO Hetero-Oxide Channel FET by Defect-Compensation to Achieve Record Mobility

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Room 344, Level 3, Summit



Sonu Devi1,Chen Chun-Kuei1,Manohar Lal1,Evgeny Zamburg1,Aaron Thean1

National University of Singapore1


Sonu Devi1,Chen Chun-Kuei1,Manohar Lal1,Evgeny Zamburg1,Aaron Thean1

National University of Singapore1
In this work, we have successfully demonstrated, low-thermal budget amorphous oxide-based field effect transistor (FETs) with a record ON-current (ID, Max) of 790 µA/µm at VDS=1V. This device shows an enhancement-mode operation (VTH>0), sub-threshold slope (S.S.) <90 mV/dec., and DIBL ~20mV/V at an ultra-scaled channel length (LCH) of 50 nm. The FETs have been fabricated at low-temperature (<350°C) combining sputter deposition (channel layer) and atomic layer deposition (gate insulator HfO2), making this fabrication approach compatible with low-thermal budget Cu interconnects for back-end-of-line (BEOL). In pure ITO channel, ON-current increases with channel thickness but the VTH become progressively negative and the SS is degraded. However, in hetero-junction channel, the performance of our FET is comparable to emerging two-dimensional materials and superior to that of existing metal oxides. The high performance is enabled by interfacial channel defect self-compensation in an optimized InSnOx-InGaZnOx (ITO-IGZO) hetero-junction channel. Moreover, this approach overcame the fundamental issue of negative VTH seen in n-type oxide FETs due to donor-type channel oxygen vacancy (Vo) and the limited tunability of gate metal work function. Through our ITO-IGZO channel and defect self-compensation approach, our transistor effective mobility (µeff) is boosted to 110 cm2/Vs which is independent of the channel thickness (TCH) when the TCH is scaled down to 4 nm. This unique TCH-independent mobility behaviour is not observed for IGZO or ITO mono-channel FETs. With such enhancement, our ITO-IGZO FETs exhibit the best-in-class mobility among oxide-based FETs, and are competitive to unstrained Silicon thin film and SOI FETs, while being compatible with sub-400 °C BEOL processes.

Symposium Organizers

Silvija Gradecak, National University of Singapore
Lain-Jong Li, The University of Hong Kong
Iuliana Radu, TSMC Taiwan
John Sudijono, Applied Materials, Inc.

Symposium Support

Applied Materials

Session Chairs

Kevin O'Brien
Aaron Thean

In this Session