Apr 24, 2024
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Room 423, Level 4, Summit
Eric Wachsman1,Prem Jaschin1,Christopher Tang1
University of Maryland1
Sodium metal-based solid-state batteries hold tremendous potential for next-generation batteries owing to low-cost earth-abundant sodium resources. However, fabricating thin free-standing solid electrolytes that could cycle sodium at high current densities has been a major challenge in developing room temperature solid-state sodium batteries. By developing high conducting Zn
2+ and Mg
2+ dual-doped Na
12 (NASICON) solid electrolytes and fabricating a 3D porous-dense-porous architecture (with an ultrathin, 25 µm, dense separator) coated with a nanoscale ZnO layer, an extremely low anode interfacial resistance of 3.5 Ω cm
2 was realized. This enabled a record high critical current density of 30 mA/cm
2 at room temperature with no stack pressure and a cumulative sodium cycling capacity of 10.8 Ah/cm
2 was achieved. Furthermore, pouch cells were assembled as a proof-of-concept with Na
3 cathodes on dense-porous bilayer electrolytes with sodium metal anodes and cycled up to 2C rates at room temperature with no applied stack pressure.