April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Materials Science of a Multifunctional/Low Cost / Optimun Bcomptible Ultranano-Crystalline Diamond (UNCDTM) Coating and Applications to New Generation Implantable Medical Devices/Prosthese and Biological Treatments

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Room 434, Level 4, Summit



Orlando Auciello1,2

The University of Texas at Dallas1,Original Biomedical Implants2


Orlando Auciello1,2

The University of Texas at Dallas1,Original Biomedical Implants2
The presentation will focus on discussing materials science / technological applications of a unique material named ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD<sup>TM</sup>) in film form integrated into new generations of medical devices/prostheses, as described below: UNCD<sup>TM</sup> coatings, developed/patented by Auciello and colleagues, are grown on many substrates by low-cost Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (MPCVD) and Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) techniques, using a patented Ar/CH<sub>4</sub> gas flow into high vacuum chambers, coupling microwave power, or current-induced heating (~ 2200 C) of tungsten filaments. Both processes produce C<sup>+</sup>, C<sup>0</sup>, CHx<sup>+</sup>, CHx<sup>0</sup> (x= 1, 2, 3) species, which establish chemical bonds on substrates’ surfaces, inducing nucleation/grow of polycrystalline diamond films with the smallest (2-5 nm) grains of polycrystalline diamond film available today, thus, the name UNCD<sup>TM</sup> (TM means trademark). UNCD<sup>TM</sup> coatings exhibit lowest friction coefficient (0.02-0.04) compared with metals (≥ 0.5) currently used in friction-prostheses like hips, knees. UNCD<sup>TM</sup> exhibits unique biocompatibility, because it is made of C atoms (element of life in human DNA, cells, and molecules). Original Biomedical Implants (OBI-USA and OBI-México) companies are developing new medical devices/prostheses based on the UNCD<sup>TM</sup> coating, namely: 1) UNCD<sup>TM</sup>-coated silicon-microchip implantable inside the eye as key component of the future artificial retina (The Argus II device, implanted outside the eye, connected to the human retina from outside has been marketed in USA /EU, since 2011, returning partial vision to people blind by genetically-induced degeneration of photoreceptors); 2) New generation implantable prostheses (e.g., dental implants, hips, knees) coated with UNCD<sup>TM</sup> eliminates failure of current metal-implants due to mechanical wear / chemical corrosion by body fluids (Clinical trials, since 2018, implanting UNCD<sup>TM</sup>-coated dental implants (DI) in 51 patients in clinic in Querétaro-México, demonstrated transformational UNCD<sup>TM</sup>-coated DI performance; 3) UNCD<sup>TM</sup>-coated masks may trap COVID-19 virus better, due to ≤ 20 nm pores vs micron size pores in current masks, and surface C atoms trapping COVID virus more efficiently; 4) Unique electrically conductive/water corrosion resistant Boron-doped UNCD-coated metal electrodes passing electrical current through water, generate ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) on the surface of the UNCD coating, enabling O<sub>3 </sub>killing all virus, bacteria, and pathogen in water; also, ozonated water jets enable disinfection in 5-10 minutes of surgical instruments without heating them to high temperature for extensive time as currently done.


chemical vapor deposition (CVD) (deposition) | diamond

Symposium Organizers

Eric Glowacki, Central European Institute of Technology
Philipp Gutruf, University of Arizona
John Ho, National University of Singapore
Flavia Vitale, University of Pennsylvania

Symposium Support

Diener Electronic GmbH + Co. KG

Session Chairs

Philipp Gutruf
John Ho

In this Session