April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Real-Space Visualization of Frequency-Dependent Anisotropy of Atomic Vibrations

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
2:15pm - 2:45pm
Room 440, Level 4, Summit



Xiaoqing Pan1,3,Xingxu Yan1,Paul Zeiger2,Jan Rusz2

University of California, Irvine1,Uppsala University2,University of California3


Xiaoqing Pan1,3,Xingxu Yan1,Paul Zeiger2,Jan Rusz2

University of California, Irvine1,Uppsala University2,University of California3
Advancements in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have revolutionized the study of interfaces and nanostructured materials. Innovations like aberration correctors, pixelated direct electron detectors, and monochromators have enabled atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), facilitating investigations into local structure, properties, and dynamic behaviors. Using a space- and angle-resolved vibrational EELS technique, we have recently observed red shifts and intensity changes in acoustic vibration modes near a single stacking fault in cubic silicon carbide, and nanoscale composition-induced red shifts in Si optical modes in SiGe quantum dots. We also developed a method for differentially mapping phonon momenta revealing the interplay between diffuse and specular reflection. In this talk, I present a novel approach, employing dark-field monochromated electron energy-loss spectroscopy for momentum-selective vibrational spectroscopy. This technique allows us to map phonon polarization vectors. When applied to centrosymmetric cubic-phase strontium titanate, we discover two types of oxygen atoms with contrasting vibrational anisotropies below and above 60 meV, based on mean-squared displacements. These transformations are supported by theoretical models, revealing the transition from oblate ellipsoids at low energies to prolate ellipsoids at high energies. These frequency-dependent thermal ellipsoids provide insights into the thermal and optical behaviors associated with acoustic and optical phonons. Our method enables the visualization of phonon eigenvectors at specific crystalline sites, opening new avenues for exploring dielectric, optical, and thermal properties with exceptional spatial resolutions.


electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) | electron-phonon interactions | scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)

Symposium Organizers

Qianqian Li, Shanghai University
Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Darmstadt University of Technology
Yaobin Xu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Di Zhang, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Qianqian Li
Yaobin Xu

In this Session