April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Cathode Upcycling for Direct Recycling Using a Rapid Coprecipitation Approach

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
8:45am - 9:00am
Room 321, Level 3, Summit



Eva Allen1,Jessica Macholz1,Feng Wang1,Mansi Porwal2,Tim Fister1,Denis Keane3,Michael Guise3,Viktor Nikitin1,Jordi Cabana2,Albert Lipson1

Argonne National Laboratory1,University of Illinois at Chicago2,Northwestern University3


Eva Allen1,Jessica Macholz1,Feng Wang1,Mansi Porwal2,Tim Fister1,Denis Keane3,Michael Guise3,Viktor Nikitin1,Jordi Cabana2,Albert Lipson1

Argonne National Laboratory1,University of Illinois at Chicago2,Northwestern University3
In line with carbon neutrality goals by 2050, the Li-ion battery market has surged. To enhance battery sustainability and circularity, direct recycling methods aim to recover intact cathode materials. However, end-of-life cathode materials are typically 15-20 years old and often have lower energy density compared to current cathode materials. In response, we have developed a rapid coprecipitation process to boost energy density by converting low Ni-compositions, LiNi<sub>0.33</sub>Co<sub>0.33</sub>Mn<sub>0.33</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (NMC111), into higher Ni-compositions (NMC622). This process forms a Ni-rich coating that diffuses into the core, increasing compositional homogeneity upon high-temperature relithiation. Our technology leverages existing infrastructure, offering low capital cost and minimal additional chemical input. Through ex-situ tomographic transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) and XANES, we quantify Ni:Co:Mn elemental ratios and Ni valence state, confirming that elemental content evens at the secondary particle level, but elemental gradients remain at the primary particle level upon relithiation. Ex-situ high-resolution and in-situ wide-angle X-ray diffraction reveals concurrent structural changes during the relithiation process. These findings guide further improvements in synthesis for increased initial capacity and retention.


chemical composition | chemical synthesis | x-ray tomography

Symposium Organizers

Alejandro Franco, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne
Deyu Lu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dee Strand, Wildcat Discovery Technologies
Feng Wang, Argonne National Laboratory

Symposium Support

PRX Energy

Session Chairs

Eva Allen
Feng Wang

In this Session