April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Toward Cost-Effective Ensembles of Artificial Photosynthetic Nanoreactors for Solar Water Splitting

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Room 337, Level 3, Summit



Shane Ardo1,Zejie Chen1,Sam Keene1,Justin Mulvey1,Pushp Raj Prasad1,William Gaieck1,Gabriel Phun1,William Stinson2,Robert Stinson2,Luisa Barrera3,Tea Yon Kim1,Brian Zutter4,Aliya Lapp4,Soyoung Kim5,Wenjie Zang1,Mingjie Xu1,Fikret Aydin6,Yaset Acevedo7,Jennie Huya-Kouadio7,Brian James7,Tuan Anh Pham6,Tadashi Ogitsu6,Akihiko Kudo8,Junko Yano5,Joseph Patterson1,Xiaoqing Pan1,Alec Talin4,Katherine Hurst9,Daniel Esposito2,Rohini Bala Chandran3

University of California Irvine1,Columbia University2,University of Michigan3,Sandia National Laboratories4,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory5,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory6,Strategic Analysis, Inc.7,Tokyo University of Science8,National Renewable Energy Laboratory9


Shane Ardo1,Zejie Chen1,Sam Keene1,Justin Mulvey1,Pushp Raj Prasad1,William Gaieck1,Gabriel Phun1,William Stinson2,Robert Stinson2,Luisa Barrera3,Tea Yon Kim1,Brian Zutter4,Aliya Lapp4,Soyoung Kim5,Wenjie Zang1,Mingjie Xu1,Fikret Aydin6,Yaset Acevedo7,Jennie Huya-Kouadio7,Brian James7,Tuan Anh Pham6,Tadashi Ogitsu6,Akihiko Kudo8,Junko Yano5,Joseph Patterson1,Xiaoqing Pan1,Alec Talin4,Katherine Hurst9,Daniel Esposito2,Rohini Bala Chandran3

University of California Irvine1,Columbia University2,University of Michigan3,Sandia National Laboratories4,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory5,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory6,Strategic Analysis, Inc.7,Tokyo University of Science8,National Renewable Energy Laboratory9
In 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced its first Energy Earthshot on green hydrogen production, with a cost target of $1/kg within a decade. To put this value in perspective, astonishingly, at least 80% of this cost will be needed to pay for the operating expenditures alone of future utility-scale electricity from photovoltaics. This fact motivates less-expensive means than photovoltaics to generate and collect photogenerated mobile charge carriers, and/or exceedingly low capital cost electrochemical reactors operating at exceptionally low overpotentials. This latter option represents a paradigm shift from state-of-the-art electrolyzers that currently benefit from operation at high current densities, and thus relatively high overpotentials.

Optically thin photosynthetic nanoreactors transmit significant amounts of sunlight, and therefore each operates at a low current density. When combined with the multiplicative output of having many nanoreactors in an ensemble, detailed-balance solar-to-hydrogen energy conversion efficiencies are simulated to exceed those of optically thick photoelectrochemical designs. In efforts to attain these predicted higher efficiencies, Ensembles of Photosynthetic Nanoreactors (EPN) DOE Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) is performing detailed studies on the properties of state-of-the-art doped SrTiO3 and BiVO4 photocatalyst nanoparticles.

During my talk, I will share our recent collaborative discoveries in atomic-layer-deposited ultrathin oxide coatings to impart redox selectivity and materials stability, single-photocatalyst-nanoparticle photoelectrochemical behavior and mobile charge carrier properties, and atomic-level information on dopant distributions and materials interfaces obtained from electron microscopies and X-ray spectroscopies. I will also describe a new low-cost reactor design that we are developing. Collectively, our discoveries provide new design guidelines, and motivate additional basic science research pathways, for the development of stable composite materials to serve as active components in cost-effective artificial photosynthetic devices.

Symposium Organizers

Christopher Barile, University of Nevada, Reno
Nathalie Herlin-Boime, CEA Saclay
Michel Trudeau, Concordia University
Edmund Chun Ming Tse, University Hong Kong

Session Chairs

Christopher Barile
Edmund Chun Ming Tse

In this Session