April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

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2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Room Temperature Néel-Type Skyrmions in a Van der Waals Ferromagnet Revealed by Multi-Modal Lorentz Electron Microscopy

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
9:15am - 9:45am
Room 421, Level 4, Summit



Yu-Tsun Shao1,Hongrui Zhang2,Xiang Chen2,Zhen Chen3,Robert Birgeneau2,Ramamoorthy Ramesh4,David Muller5

University of Southern California1,University of California, Berkeley2,Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences3,Rice University4,Cornell University5


Yu-Tsun Shao1,Hongrui Zhang2,Xiang Chen2,Zhen Chen3,Robert Birgeneau2,Ramamoorthy Ramesh4,David Muller5

University of Southern California1,University of California, Berkeley2,Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences3,Rice University4,Cornell University5
Two-dimensional van der Waals (2D vdW) magnets offer a promising platform for exploring magnetic and topological phases, owing to their unique layered structure and crystallographic symmetries sensitive to stacking order. Real-space topological spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions consisting of swirling spin configurations, are often stabilized by an antisymmetric Dzyaloshinksii-Moriya interaction (DMI) present in materials with broken inversion symmetry. Among the vdW materials for studying 2D magnetism, the Fe<sub>N</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> (FGT, N=3-5) system is exceptional due to its tunability of magnetic properties with chemical doping and the existence of ferromagnetism above room temperature.<br/><br/>Here, we explore the chemically driven structural and magnetic phase transitions in (Fe<sub>1-x</sub>Co<sub>x</sub>)<sub>5</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub> (FCGT) using a combination of atomic resolution imaging, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping, and Lorentz four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) along with an electron microscopy pixel array detector (EMPAD). Upon Co-doping, we find that the FCGT undergoes both structural and magnetic phase transitions from an antiferromagnetic, centrosymmetric AA-stacking (x=0.46) to a ferromagnetic, polar AA’-stacking (x=0.50). This structural phase transition is accompanied by a change in Fe and Co ordering as revealed by atomic resolution STEM-EDS. More interestingly, room temperature Néel-type skyrmions emerge in the AA’ phase as revealed by Lorentz 4D-STEM. In summary, our work paves the way for studying structural and magnetic phase transition in vdW magnetic materials.<br/><br/>Work supported by the AFOSR Hybrid Materials MURI, award # FA9550-18-1-0480 and USC Viterbi start-up. Facilities supported by the National Science Foundation (DMR-1429155, DMR- 2039380, DMR-1719875)


2D materials | magnetic properties | scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)

Symposium Organizers

Zhong Lin, Binghamton University
Yunqiu Kelly Luo, University of Southern California
Andrew F. May, Oak Ridge National Laboratoryy
Dmitry Ovchinnikov, University of Kansas

Symposium Support

Thorlabs Bronze
Vacuum Technology Inc.

Session Chairs

Dmitry Ovchinnikov
Tyler Slade

In this Session