April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Towards a Potential Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
10:30am - 10:45am
Room 342, Level 3, Summit



Yilin Li1,Mario Brützam2,Harikrishnan K. P.1,Sankalpa Hazra3,Zhiren He4,Ramamoorthy Ramesh5,Natarajan Ravi6,Robert Cava7,Craig Fennie1,Venkatraman Gopalan8,David Muller1,Christo Guguschev2,Darrell Schlom1

Cornell University1,Leibniz-Institut fur Kristallzuchtung2,Pennsylvania State University3,University of North Texas4,Rice University5,Spelman College6,Princeton University7,The Pennsylvania State University8


Yilin Li1,Mario Brützam2,Harikrishnan K. P.1,Sankalpa Hazra3,Zhiren He4,Ramamoorthy Ramesh5,Natarajan Ravi6,Robert Cava7,Craig Fennie1,Venkatraman Gopalan8,David Muller1,Christo Guguschev2,Darrell Schlom1

Cornell University1,Leibniz-Institut fur Kristallzuchtung2,Pennsylvania State University3,University of North Texas4,Rice University5,Spelman College6,Princeton University7,The Pennsylvania State University8
Multiferroics with coupled magnetic and electric orders, although rare, hold potential for low-energy-consumption materials for logic and memory capable of electric-field control of magnetism. Barium hexaferrite (BaFe12O19), the most common refrigerator magnet, is predicted to gain electric polarization order at room temperature in addition to its robust ferrimagnetism under in-plane, biaxial, compressive strain [1]. The recent realization of single-crystal substrates of Sr1.03Ga10.81Mg0.58Zr0.58O19 (SGMZ) [2], an insulator that is isostructural to BaFe12O19, enables straining BaFe12O19 as SGMZ has a ~1.1% smaller in-plane lattice constant. In addition to strain, to induce the ferroelectric state, an epitaxial bottom electrode is needed to control the electric state for this hexaferrite multiferroic candidate. SrCo2Ru4O11 is a metallic ferromagnetic oxide [3], belongs to the same hexaferrite family as BaFe12O19, and has small (~0.3%) in-plane lattice mismatch to the SGMZ substrate. Consequently, a coherent SrCo2Ru4O11 epitaxial thin film on the SGMZ substrate would be ideal for straining BaFe12O19 and serving as the bottom electrode of a metal-insulator-metal structure to test for ferroelectricity in this predicted strain-induced multiferroic.

Here we show that a 1.1% in-plane biaxial compressive strain from SGMZ substrates can be imposed on up to 27.5 nm thick BaFe12O19 films. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the X-ray diffraction rocking curve of the 0020 peak in w ranges from 0.006° to 0.009°, the smallest ever reported. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) multislice ptychography results on a commensurately strained film clearly show local electric polarization arising from the off-center displacement of Fe3+ ions in the trigonal bipyramid sites, locally breaking the mirror-plane symmetry perpendicular to the c-axis of BaFe12O19. Second harmonic generation (SHG) proves the symmetry breaking on a larger scale from 6/mmm (bulk paraelectric BaFe12O19) to 6mm (fully strained BaFe12O19). Commensurately strained BaFe12O19 containing 95% enriched Fe57 has been synthesized. Mössbauer measurement will be made on this sample to quantify the splitting between the two sites of the iron cations in the trigonal bipyramid sites.

Films of SrCo2Ru4O11 were grown by MBE on (0001) SGMZ substrates in an adsorption-controlled regime. With matching substrates and adsorption-controlled growth, we have grown epitaxial, fully strained SrCo2Ru4O11 thin films with even lower resistivity than SrCo2Ru4O11 single crystals [3]. Our next step is to grow a commensurately strained metal-insulator-metal BaFe12O19/SrCo2Ru4O11/SGMZ stack to test for ferroelectricity.

[1] Wang, P. S., Xiang, H.J. Physical Review X 4, 011035 (2014).
[2] Guguschev, C. et al. Crystal Growth & Design 22 (4), 2557-2568 (2022).
[3] Shlyk, L. et al. Adv. Mater. 20, 1315–1320 (2008).


molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) | oxide | thin film

Symposium Organizers

John Heron, University of Michigan
Morgan Trassin, ETH Zurich
Ruijuan Xu, North Carolina State University
Di Yi, Tsinghua University

Symposium Support


Arrayed Materials (China) Co., Ltd.
NBM Design, Inc.

Session Chairs

Ipek Efe
Di Yi

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