April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Multi-Axis Magnetic 3D Printing of Magnetically-Responsive Architecture

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Room 325, Level 3, Summit



Brian Elder1,Taylor Greenwood1,Samannoy Ghosh1,Yong Lin Kong1

University of Utah1


Brian Elder1,Taylor Greenwood1,Samannoy Ghosh1,Yong Lin Kong1

University of Utah1
The ability to program magnetic remanence in situ during extrusion-based 3D printing can enable the creation of soft, magnetically responsive architecture. Indeed, in comparison with other methods, such as folding or assembly, this freeform fabrication approach can create highly complex responsive architecture and actuators. Here, towards this goal, we developed a multi-directional magnetic 3D printing process that allows<i> in situ</i> programming of the magnetic domains during 3D printing. The multi-axis magnetic field enables the variance of magnetic remanence within a continuous filament, achieving complex deformation even in a single printed filament. This capability increases the range of possible motions, including bending, twisting, and contraction. As a proof of concept, we demonstrated the fabrication of a tunable propeller, magnetic-responsive textiles, and a magnetically-actuated ingestible device. We also demonstrated eight fundamental remanence pairs that produce deformation units, which we envision could enable the future design of tunable soft actuators and robots.


3D printing

Symposium Organizers

Emily Davidson, Princeton University
Michinao Hashimoto, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Emily Pentzer, Texas A&M University
Daryl Yee, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Symposium Support

UpNano US Inc.

Session Chairs

Emily Pentzer
Daryl Yee

In this Session