April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Electrocaloric Performance of High-Entropy Oxides from First Principles

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
9:15am - 9:45am
Terrace Suite 1, Level 4, Summit



Tara Karimzadeh Sabet1,Ismaila Dabo1

The Pennsylvania State University1


Tara Karimzadeh Sabet1,Ismaila Dabo1

The Pennsylvania State University1
The electrocaloric effect holds significant promise for advancing sustainable solid-state refrigeration technologies. High-entropy oxides [1] are potentially advantageous due to the thermal stability of their polar phases. In this work, we evaluate the phase stability and electrocaloric performance of the high-entropy perovskite (Na,Bi,Sr,Ba,Ca)TiO<sub>3</sub>. A pivotal parameter in evaluating electrocaloric performance is the dependence of adiabatic electrocaloric temperature change as a function of temperature, which is intricately linked to the change of polarization with respect to temperature under a constant electric field [3]. To predict this parameter, we developed models for the temperature-dependent polarization <i>P</i>(<i>T</i>) of high-entropy oxides taking into account chemical disorder and local distortions.<br/><br/>[1] Rost <i>et al.</i>, <i>Nature Communications</i> <b>6</b>, 8485 (2015)<br/>[2] Kotsonis et al., <i>Journal of the American Ceramic Society</i> <b>106</b>, 5587 (2023)<br/>[3] Nair <i>et al</i>., <i>Nature</i> <b>575</b>, 468–472 (2019)<br/><br/><b>Funding:</b> The Center for Nanoscale Science at the Pennsylvania State University is a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) supported by the National Science Foundation (DMR-2011839)



Symposium Organizers

Ben Breitung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Alannah Hallas, The University of British Columbia
Scott McCormack, University of California, Davis
T. Zac Ward, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Session Chairs

Ben Breitung
Katharine Page

In this Session