Apr 25, 2024
2:30pm - 2:45pm
Room 336, Level 3, Summit
Jaden Lucas1,Udit Halder1,Lakshmi Amulya Nimmagadda1,Prashant Mehta1,Sanjiv Sinha1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign1
Jaden Lucas1,Udit Halder1,Lakshmi Amulya Nimmagadda1,Prashant Mehta1,Sanjiv Sinha1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign1
It has been well known for many decades that there exists an optimal Peltier current to achieve the best performance in steady-state Peltier cooling. At this constant current, there is a minimum steady-state cold-end temperature that can be achieved across a thermoelectric cooler. However, in a transient operation over a short time window, the temperature drop can be improved with a transient current pulse where the minimum transient temperature depends on the shape of the current pulse [1]. Here, we apply optimal control theory to find for the first time, a temperature minimizing
transient current pulse. We consider a thermoelectric cooler with a heat load at the cold end, and model it as a discrete control system and use gradient descent to find a cost-minimizing current [2]. The optimal current diminishes the temperature rise due to the low frequency components of the heat loads, and this performance improvement depends strongly on thermal conductivity [3]. We also consider transient cooling of a thermoelectric below the minimum steady-state temperature. We observe that an optimal current pulse holds the temperature below its steady-state value for longer than a comparable constant current pulse. This work provides new insights into the upper li--mit of the transient performance of thermoelectric coolers.
R. Yang, G. Chen, A. R. Kumar, G. J. Snyder, and J.-P. Fleurial, “Transient cooling of thermoelectric coolers and its applications for microdevices,”
Energy Conversion and Management, 2005.
D. P. Bertsekas,
Nonlinear programming, 3rd ed. Belmont, Mass: Athena scientific, 2016
P. E. Gray,
The Dynamic Behavior of Thermoelectric Devices. The MIT Press, 1960.