April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Comparative Study of Oxides and Sulfides in Terms of their Dendrite Resistance: The Impact of Internal Defects and Interlayers

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
10:30am - 11:00am
Room 432, Level 4, Summit


No presenters


Yue Qi1

Brown University1


Yue Qi1

Brown University1
The key challenge for the Li-metal electrode is to maintain a smooth surface at the microscopic scale during cycling. During lithium plating, it was found that the bandgap, tunneling barriers, and electron localization on internal defects, such as pores and crack surfaces and grain boundaries play a more important role in Li-dendrite nucleation and growth. A combined DFT and phase-field method was developed to demonstrate these effects. Several oxides (cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 (c-LLZO), Li1.17Al0.17Ti1.83(PO4)3 (LATP), and Li2PO2N) and sulfide (β-Li3PS4 and Argyrodite Li6PS5Cl) electrolytes and their interlayer materials (Li2O vs. Li2S) were compared.
For the bulk solid electrolytes, the oxides tend to show much smaller bandgaps on the surface and grain boundaries than the corresponding bulk materials. While LLZO showed the most significant excess electrons on the surface and grain boundaries, β-Li3PS4, and argyrodite showed no such behavior. This is consistent with the observed trend and morphology of Li dendrite growth in different solid electrolyte materials.
Further, the Li2O and Li2S interface layers showed different lithium metal wettability. A combined density functional theory (DFT) and kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) interface evolution simulations showed that the lithiophilic interface (Li/Li2O) repels vacancies into the bulk Li, so Li atoms can quickly fill the Li vacancies near the interface and maintain a smooth Li surface. In contrast, the more lithiophobic interface (e.g. Li/Li2S) traps Li vacancies toward the interface, and the accumulated Li vacancies form voids causing interface delamination. The appropriate alloying and stack pressure were predicted to avoid interface delamination at Li/Li2S interface during the stripping process.


interface | ion-solid interactions

Symposium Organizers

Yoon Seok Jung, Yonsei University
Dongping Lu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hui Wang, University of Louisville
Yang Zhao, University of Western Ontario

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Yoon Seok Jung
Yang Zhao

In this Session