Apr 24, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Flex Hall C, Level 2, Summit
Dhananjay Kumar1,Ikenna Chris-Okoro1,Sheilah Cherono1,Swapnil Nalawade1,Mengxin Liu1,Valentin Craciun1,2,Shyam Aravamudhan1,Maria Mihai2,3,Soyoung Kim4,Junko Yano4
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University1,Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering2,University Politehnica of Bucharest3,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory4
Dhananjay Kumar1,Ikenna Chris-Okoro1,Sheilah Cherono1,Swapnil Nalawade1,Mengxin Liu1,Valentin Craciun1,2,Shyam Aravamudhan1,Maria Mihai2,3,Soyoung Kim4,Junko Yano4
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University1,Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering2,University Politehnica of Bucharest3,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory4
This study presents a detailed optimization study of the structural, electronic, and electrocatalytic properties of ruthenium oxide thin films grown using the pulsed laser ablation (PLA) process. The study begins by growing substrate-film interdiffusion-free sub-stoichiometric (RuO
2-x), stoichiometric (RuO
2), and hyper-stochiometric (RuO
2+x) epitaxial ruthenium oxide films with controlled orientation at relatively low deposition temperatures on single-crystal substrates with different crystal structures and surface orientations, such as (110) and (100) oriented rutile TiO
2, (100) oriented perovskite SrTiO
3 and LaAlO
3, and (0001) oriented hexagonal sapphire. The synthesis of the substrate-film interdiffusion-free RuO
2 films has been possible due to the axial velocity of laser-ablated neutral and ionic species as high as ~10
5 m/s (kinetic energy ~ 3 eV), which compensates for the high substrate temperatures nearly by 50 °C. The next part of the study is focused on the use of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) measurements to confirm that the oxygen content of RuO
2 films increases from x = 0.5 to x = 1.0 with an increase in oxygen growth pressure from 5 mTorr to 100 mTorr. Further characterization of the RuO
2 films was carried out using x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, four-probe resistivity, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the O K-edge analysis before and after electrocatalytic property measurements. The study has provided insights to overcome the stability problem of RuO
2 often encountered during the electrocatalytic water oxidation and reduction process. Using the ability to synthesize RuO
2 with the same stoichiometry on substrates with different crystal structures, lattice constants, and orientations, we have developed a better understanding of the effect of surface tension and lattice-matched interfacial structures on electrocatalytic oxidation and reduction of water.
This work was supported by a DOE EFRC on the Center for Electrochemical Dynamics and Reactions on Surfaces (CEDARS) via grant # DE-SC0023415. The authors (IK, VC, and DK) also acknowledge the support of the NSF PREM via grant # DMR-2122067 PREM.