April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Direct Measurement of Radiation Pressure Forces on Membrane Lightsails

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
9:15am - 9:30am
Room 340/341, Level 3, Summit



Lior Michaeli1,Ramon Gao1,Michael Kelzenberg1,Claudio Hail1,John Sader1,Harry Atwater1

California Institute of Technology1


Lior Michaeli1,Ramon Gao1,Michael Kelzenberg1,Claudio Hail1,John Sader1,Harry Atwater1

California Institute of Technology1
We report direct measurement of radiation pressure forces exerted on a 100-nm-thick silicon nitride lightsail membrane. Our sensitive measurements rely on three key components: a noise-robust common-path interferometer with picometer resolution, rational design of the tethered lightsail for enhanced mechanical susceptibility, and an off-resonant driving scheme for quasi-static, linear dynamics. Ultrathin lightsails, propelled to relativistic speeds by laser radiation pressure, are being actively explored as a new generation of interstellar spacecraft probes, spearheaded by the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative [1,2]. Realizing laser-driven lightsails necessitates precise characterization of the optical forces on a material platform capable of exhibiting mechanical, beam-riding, and thermal stability. For a laser power density of 200 W/cm<sup>2</sup> at 514 nm, we measure displacements of ~10 pm, resulting from optical forces of ~30 fN. Contrary to optical trapping of microscopic objects, motion is induced by a collimated laser beam filling substantial part of the lightsail, mimicking the initial acceleration stage of interstellar lightsails. Furthermore, to predict the tilt-dependent dynamics of subwavelength thick lightsails, we characterize the non-intuitive trend of the optical force versus incidence angle in the range of ±20° for TE and TM polarization. Our study represents a critical milestone in realizing an experimental testbed for lightsail characterization, thus advancing the development of laser-driven spacecraft, and opening the door for manipulation of macroscopic objects through optical forces.


metrology | thin film

Symposium Organizers

Yao-Wei Huang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Min Seok Jang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Ho Wai (Howard) Lee, University of California, Irvine
Pin Chieh Wu, National Cheng Kung University

Symposium Support

APL Quantum
Kao Duen Technology Corporation
Nanophotonics Journal

Session Chairs

Matthew Sheldon
Pin Chieh Wu

In this Session