Apr 25, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Room 445, Level 4, Summit
Zhaoyu Liu1,Yue Shi1,Qianni Jiang1,Elliott Rosenberg1,Jonathan DeStefano1,Jinjin Liu2,Chaowei Hu1,Yuzhou Zhao1,Zhiwei Wang2,Yugui Yao2,David Graf3,Pengcheng Dai4,Jihui Yang1,Xiaodong Xu1,Jiun-Haw Chu1
University of Washington1,Beijing Institute of Technology2,National High Magnetic Field Laboratory3,Rice University4
Zhaoyu Liu1,Yue Shi1,Qianni Jiang1,Elliott Rosenberg1,Jonathan DeStefano1,Jinjin Liu2,Chaowei Hu1,Yuzhou Zhao1,Zhiwei Wang2,Yugui Yao2,David Graf3,Pengcheng Dai4,Jihui Yang1,Xiaodong Xu1,Jiun-Haw Chu1
University of Washington1,Beijing Institute of Technology2,National High Magnetic Field Laboratory3,Rice University4
Ever since the discovery of the charge density wave (CDW) transition in the kagome metal CsV
5, the nature of its symmetry breaking is under intense debate. While evidence suggests that the rotational symmetry is already broken at the CDW transition temperature (T
CDW), an additional electronic nematic instability well below T
CDW was reported based on the diverging elastoresistivity coefficient in the anisotropic channel (m
E2g). Verifying the existence of a nematic transition below T
CDW is not only critical for establishing the correct description of the CDW order parameter, but also important for understanding the low-temperature superconductivity. Here, we report elastoresistivity measurements of CsV
5 using three different techniques probing both isotropic and anisotropic symmetry channels. Contrary to previous reports, we find the anisotropic elastoresistivity coefficient m
E2g is temperature-independent except for a step jump at T
CDW. The absence of nematic fluctuations is further substantiated by measurements of the elastocaloric effect, which show no enhancement associated with nematic susceptibility. On the other hand, the symmetric elastoresistivity coefficient m
A1g increases below T
CDW, reaching a peak value of 90 at T
<span style="font-size:10.8333px">*</span>=20 K. Our results strongly indicate that the phase transition at T
*<span style="font-size:10.8333px"> </span>is not nematic in nature and the previously reported diverging elastoresistivity is due to the contamination from the A
1g channel.