April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Near Room-Temperature Intrinsic Exchange Bias in an Fe Intercalated ZrSe2 Spin Glass

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Room 421, Level 4, Summit



Zhizhi Kong1,Kwabena Bediako1

University of California, Berkeley1


Zhizhi Kong1,Kwabena Bediako1

University of California, Berkeley1
Exchange bias is a magnetic phenomenon commonly manifested as the hysteresis-loop shift when a system hosting certain magnetic heterointerfaces is cooled under an applied external magnetic field. Despite the extensive use of the exchange bias effect, particularly in magnetic multilayers, for the design of spin-based memory/electronics devices, a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of this effect remains a longstanding problem. Recent work has shown that disorder-induced spin frustration might play a key role in exchange bias, suggesting new materials design approaches for spin-based electronic devices that harness this effect. Here, we design a spin glass with strong spin frustration induced by magnetic disorder by exploiting the distinctive structure of Fe intercalated ZrSe<sub>2</sub>, where Fe(II) centers are shown to occupy both octahedral and tetrahedral interstitial sites and to distribute between ZrSe<sub>2</sub> layers without long-range structural order. Notably, we observe behavior consistent with a magnetically frustrated and multidegenerate ground state in these Fe<sub>0.17</sub>ZrSe<sub>2</sub> single crystals, which persists above room temperature. Moreover, this magnetic frustration leads to a robust and tunable exchange bias up to 250 K. These results not only offer important insights into the effects of magnetic disorder and frustration in magnetic materials generally, but also highlight as design strategy the idea that a large exchange bias can arise from an inhomogeneous microscopic environment without discernible long-range magnetic order. In addition, these results show that intercalated TMDs like Fe<sub>0.17</sub>ZrSe<sub>2</sub> hold potential for spintronic technologies that can achieve room temperature applications.


intercalation | magnetic properties | van der Waals

Symposium Organizers

Zhong Lin, Binghamton University
Yunqiu Kelly Luo, University of Southern California
Andrew F. May, Oak Ridge National Laboratoryy
Dmitry Ovchinnikov, University of Kansas

Symposium Support

Thorlabs Bronze
Vacuum Technology Inc.

Session Chairs

Chaowei Hu
Andrew F. May

In this Session