April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

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2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Optical Interrogation of Subsurface Nanogap Thermal Transport

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
2:45pm - 3:00pm
Room 327, Level 3, Summit



Zachary Piontkowski1,Amun Jarzembski1,Wyatt Hodges1,Anthony McDonald1,Matthew Bahr1,William Delmas1,Ping Lu1,Julia Deitz1

Sandia National Laboratories1


Zachary Piontkowski1,Amun Jarzembski1,Wyatt Hodges1,Anthony McDonald1,Matthew Bahr1,William Delmas1,Ping Lu1,Julia Deitz1

Sandia National Laboratories1
Nanoscale thermal transport has received significant attention for next-generation energy<br/>conversion and thermal management applications. In particular, state-of-the-art experiments have<br/>shown for vacuum gap distances down to 10 nm that thermal transport is governed by near-field<br/>thermal radiation, and can be enhanced by orders of magnitude above the Planck black body limit.<br/>Moreover, radiative thermal transport is bridged to heat conduction by so-called acoustic phonon<br/>tunneling at contact, which can be controlled via external forces. However, to perform such<br/>complex experiments, precision measurement of heat flow and isolation from parasitic conduction<br/>are required. Here, we demonstrate the utility of hyperspectral frequency-domain<br/>thermoreflectance (FDTR) for the interrogation of thermal transport across subsurface nanogaps,<br/>alleviating the extreme challenges faced by nanoscale thermal transport experiments.<br/><br/>FDTR is a pump-probe optical technique sensitive to the thermal properties of an underlying<br/>material system. Here, a periodically modulated pump beam deposits energy into the sample,<br/>where subsequent temperature oscillations are monitored by a continuous wave probe beam via<br/>the thermoreflectance effect. Measurement of the phase lag between the thermal oscillations and<br/>periodic heating enables quantification of thermal properties though parametric fitting with the<br/>heat diffusion equation. In particular, FDTR at low pump frequencies can quantify and image<br/>interfaces up to 200 um below the surface. We demonstrate FDTR’s ability to interrogate<br/>subsurface nanogaps by looking at heterogeneously integrated gallium nitride (GaN) with diamond<br/>substrates and silicon with silicon substrates. We show that FDTR can precisely quantify the<br/>thermal conductivity of air trapped in sub-200 nm gap that is 15 um below the GaN surface.<br/>Similarly, we use hyperspectral FDTR imaging to map a mechanical standing wave in a silicon<br/>membrane supported by a silicon substrate, which spatially modulates the gap thermal<br/>conductance. Thus, FDTR eliminates the need for microfabricated precision calorimeters and<br/>thermally insulated gap supports through spatial mapping of subsurface thermal boundary<br/>conductances.<br/><br/>Acknowledgements: Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and<br/>operated by the National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned<br/>subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear<br/>Security Administration under contract No. DE-NA0003525. SAND2023-11105A


radiation effects | thermal conductivity

Symposium Organizers

Woochul Kim, Yonsei University
Sheng Shen, Carnegie Mellon University
Sunmi Shin, National University of Singapore
Sebastian Volz, The University of Tokyo

Session Chairs

Baowen Li
Sheng Shen

In this Session