April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Quasi-2D Materials for Ultra-Low Resistance Electrical Interconnects

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
11:30am - 11:45am
Room 346, Level 3, Summit



Bilal Azhar1,Tobias Schwaigert1,Qi Song1,Cameron Gorsak1,Yacob Melman1,Darrell Schlom1,Hari Nair1

Cornell University1


Bilal Azhar1,Tobias Schwaigert1,Qi Song1,Cameron Gorsak1,Yacob Melman1,Darrell Schlom1,Hari Nair1

Cornell University1
The dramatic increase in the resistivity of interconnect lines with decreasing dimensions presents a significant bottleneck for further downscaling of integrated circuits.<sup>1</sup> This is because current interconnects use 3-dimensional metals which experience increased interface electron scattering as the interconnect dimensions approach their electron mean free path. A possible solution is to use metals with much lower electron mean free paths such as: W, Mo, and Ru. Metallic delafossite oxides are an alternative solution because of their inherent advantages over traditional metals such as, ultra-low room temperature resistivity, potential mitigation of interface/surface scattering due to their 2D Fermi surface, potentially decreased likelihood of electromigration, and potentially better compatibility with low-K oxide dielectrics. Metallic delafossite can prove to be a disruptive new material for ultra-scaled electrical interconnects.<br/><br/>Delafossites are layered oxides with the formula ABO<sub>2</sub> where A is a metal cation that forms 2D sheets separated by the BO<sub>2</sub> transition-metal oxide octahedra. In this study we focus on metallic delafossites PtCoO<sub>2</sub> and PdCoO<sub>2</sub> because of their ultra-low room temperature resistivity of 2.1 μΩ.cm and 2.6 μΩ.cm, respectively, which is comparable to the current semiconductor industry standard interconnect metal, Cu.<sup>2</sup> The metallic delafossite structure has an anisotropic nature with resistivity along the c-axis a factor of 1000 higher than resistivity within the Pt/Pd sheet. Due to the layered crystal structure, the Fermi surface of the metallic delafossites is cylindrical as for a 2D metal. This quasi-2D crystal structure can potentially mitigate interface and surface scattering since the electron Fermi velocity does not have components perpendicular to the Pd/Pt sheets. This can potentially overcome the resistivity penalty encountered by conventional 3D metals in ultrathin films (&lt; 20 nm). Additionally, the unique Fermi surface topology allows for an electron-phonon coupling constant that is a factor of 3 lower than copper.<sup>3</sup><br/><br/>In this study we investigate the structural and electrical properties of MBE-grown PdCoO<sub>2</sub> delafossite films. High-resolution X-Ray diffraction (HRXRD) confirms that the films are phase-pure. XRD phi scans, however, reveal in-plane twinning in these films, and the lateral size of the rotational twin domains are ~17 nm based on skew-symmetric rocking curves. We measured the resistivity of the films using a van der Pauw geometry and modelled the resistivity scaling with film thickness using Fuchs-Sondheimer (FS) and Mayadas-Shatzkes (MS) model. The upshot is that a 50 nm thick PdCoO<sub>2</sub> film has a resistivity of 5 µΩ.cm. Based on our resistivity fitting we find that the twin boundaries have a very low electron reflection coefficient of ~5%. This is extremely encouraging since atomic layer deposition (ALD) which is a back-end-of-the-line (BEOL) compatible synthesis technique will likely yield highly twinned delafossite thin films.<br/><br/><sup>1</sup> D. Gall, J. Appl. Phys. <b>127</b>, 050901 (2020).<br/><sup>2</sup> V. Sunko, P.H. McGuinness, C.S. Chang, E. Zhakina, S. Khim, C.E. Dreyer, M. Konczykowski, M. König, D.A. Muller, and A.P. Mackenzie, Phys. Rev. X <b>10</b>, 021018 (2020).<br/><sup>3</sup> C.W. Hicks, A.S. Gibbs, A.P. Mackenzie, H. Takatsu, Y. Maeno, and E.A. Yelland, Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>109</b>, 116401 (2012).


electrical properties | molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)

Symposium Organizers

Serena Iacovo, imec
Vincent Jousseaume, CEA, LETI
Sean King, Intel Corp
Eiichi Kondoh, University of Yamanashi

Symposium Support

Tokyo Electron Limited

Air Liquide
CEA- Leti

Session Chairs

Sean King
Eiichi Kondoh

In this Session