April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

First Principles Thermodynamic Model of BaZrS3 Synthesis

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Flex Hall C, Level 2, Summit



Prakriti Kayastha1,Giulia Longo1,Lucy Whalley1

Northumbria University1


Prakriti Kayastha1,Giulia Longo1,Lucy Whalley1

Northumbria University1
The BaZrS3 chalcogenide perovskite shows strong light absorption, high chemical stability, is nontoxic, and is made from earth-abundant elements. These properties make it a promising candidate material for application in optoelectronic technologies, including next-generation photovoltaic absorber materials [1]. It has been proposed as a more chemically stable alternative to the widely studied lead-based metal halide perovskite family [2]. Although the chemical and physical properties of this perovskite are favorable, a scalable synthesis technique remains an open challenge. Standard solid-state synthesis requires temperatures that are not suitable for device integration (>900°C).

Several studies have now established that the perovskite forms at moderate temperatures (500-600°C) through liquid-flux assisted synthesis [3]. This method is based on the formation of BaS3 in a sulfur-rich environment. Other methods based on molecular precursors or nanoparticles have also been proposed, but no good quality crystalline thin films have been formed to date [4,5]. Progress is hindered by our limited understanding of the underlying reaction thermodynamics.

In our work, we use density functional theory and lattice dynamics to calculate the thermodynamic and vibrational properties of BaZrS3 and its competing ternary, binary, and elemental phases. We consider the experimentally reported BaSx, ZrSx (x = 1, 2, 3) and BaZrS3 phases. Using our open-source code ThemoPot [6] we calculate the temperature and pressure-dependent Gibbs free energy of formation with reference to competing ternary, binary, and elemental phases.

We find that to promote the formation of BaZrS3 through liquid-flux there is a “goldilocks” zone for temperature and sulfur partial pressure. This is driven by the high sensitivity of Gibbs formation energy to the sulfur gas allotrope. At intermediate temperatures (500°C) and higher pressures (>103 Pa) the S8 allotrope dominates [7] and suppresses the formation of BaS3. At lower pressures (<102 Pa) the S2 allotrope dominates and BaS2 forms. At intermediate pressures, the S2 allotrope dominates and forms BaS3 (102-103 Pa). We find good agreement between our results and those reported in the experimental literature [5]. Our work provides insights into the reaction thermodynamics of this promising material and suggests the experimental regimes to target for future synthesis.

[1] Sopiha et al, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2022 10 2101704.
[2] Comparotto et al, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022 5 6335.
[3] Yang et al, Chem. Mater. 2023 35 4743.
[4] Pradhan et al, Angew. Chem. 2023 62 202301049.
[5] Yang et al, J Am Chem. Soc. 2022 44 15928.
[6] https://github.com/NU-CEM/ThermoPot
[7] Jackson and Walsh, J Mater. Chem. A 2014 2 7829.


thermodynamics | vapor pressure

Symposium Organizers

Andrea Crovetto, Technical University of Denmark
Annie Greenaway, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Xiaojing Hao, Univ of New South Wales
Vladan Stevanovic, Colorado School of Mines

Session Chairs

Annie Greenaway
Vladan Stevanovic

In this Session