April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Layered and Low-Dimensional Halide Perovskites: Electronic Structure, Optical Properties and Charge Carrier Mobilities from First-Principles.

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
9:00am - 9:30am
Room 444, Level 4, Summit



George Volonakis1

Université de Rennes1


George Volonakis1

Université de Rennes1
Ab initio calculations are becoming more and more efficient and have emerged as an indispensable tool to characterize and understand these complex systems. In particular, for halide perovskites and perovskite-like compounds, over the last decade, such computational approaches have been extensively employed and successfully unveiled the underlying atomic-scale physical mechanisms of these exciting materials. In this talk, I will overview our most recent results on prototypical structure of layered halide perovskites, vacancy ordered double perovskites, and low dimensional halide perovskite-like materials. I will present the key details of their electronic structure for each type of system that define their experimentally observed optical properties and achieved performances [1,2,3]. In the last part of my talk, I will show our latest findings on the effects of structural dimensionality on the charge carrier transport properties when comparing three-dimensional ABX<sub>3</sub> and layered halide perovskites.<br/><br/><b>References</b><br/>[1] ACS Materials Letters 5 (1), 52-59 (2023)<br/>[2] Chemistry of Materials 34 (21), 9685-9698 (2022)<br/>[3] Solar RRL, 2200718 (2022)



Symposium Organizers

Michal Baranowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Alexey Chernikov, Technische Universität Dresden
Paulina Plochocka, CNRS
Alexander Urban, LMU Munich

Symposium Support

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Session Chairs

Tomer Amit
Ermin Malic

In this Session