April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

The Isomer Chemistry of Magic-Sized Clusters

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Room 347, Level 3, Summit



Youngjae Ryu1

Pohang University of Science and Technology1


Youngjae Ryu1

Pohang University of Science and Technology1
Magic Sized Clusters (MSCs) are small sized inorganic nanoparticles which are less 2 nm in size with a thermodynamically stable structure. Their highly surface-dependent properties facilitate the existence of various types of isomers. Particularly, isomers which exhibit dissymmetric circular dichroism signals, also known as optical isomers, are of great importance. Chiral MSCs with large circular dichroism signals will be discussed as compared to other chiral semiconductor nanocrystals. To investigate the chiroptical origins of our chiral MSCs, characterizations including XRD and Raman were conducted to explore ligand geometry and structural properties. By surface characterizations including FT-IR and TGA, we have found that particular mode of surface ligand binding is critical for the chirality. Low crystal symmetry of MSCs is thought to induce the large transition dipole moment of MSC, which in turn yields high chiroptical activity. In contrast, similar sized QDs showed silent chirality presumably due to the high crystal symmetry and the consequent low transition dipole moment. Propagation of chirality using chiral MSCs as the building block will be also addressed. We believe that unique characteristics of MSCs may open a new avenue in designing and synthesizing unprecedented chiroptical materials.


cluster assembly

Symposium Organizers

Yunping Huang, CU Boulder
Hao Nguyen, University of Washington
Nayon Park, University of Washington
Claudia Pereyra, University of Pennsylvania

Session Chairs

Grant Dixon
Hao Nguyen

In this Session