Apr 23, 2024
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Room 342, Level 3, Summit
Kevin Crust1,2,Aarushi Khandelwal2,1,Ruijuan Xu3,Harold Hwang2,1
Stanford University1,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2,North Carolina State University3
Electrostatic energy storage based on dielectric capacitors has garnered significant interest due to its fast charge-discharge speeds and high power density relative to electrochemical energy storage, but applications have been limited due to large leakage currents, relatively low energy storage density, and the presence of lead in materials
[1,2]. NaNbO
3 is a lead-free alternative which has received much research attention in the last decade but work has primarily focused on its bulk form, with NaNbO
3-based systems displaying both antiferroelectric and relaxor ferroelectric behaviors at room temperature with promising energy storage properties
[2,3]. Using pulsed laser deposition and selective etching, we have synthesized metal-insulator-metal heterostructures of La
3 and NaNbO
3 with high crystalline quality and coherent epitaxial strain across a range of thicknesses. Both strain and thickness have previously been noted to greatly affect the properties of NaNbO
3 due to the close proximity of its antiferroelectric and ferroelectric ground states
[4,5]. Through careful optimization of the growth conditions, we achieve minimal leakage current even under large external electric fields and can observe relaxor-like ferroelectric behavior in both our thinnest samples (below 50 nm of NaNbO
3) and our thickest samples (above 150 nm). This allows us to achieve improvements in both recoverable energy-storage density
Wrec and energy efficiency
η compared to previous NaNbO
3 thin films
[6,7]. This work demonstrates the potential of NaNbO
3 for dielectric energy storage and the advantages of epitaxial, single-crystal films for electrical characterization.
[1] H. Pan et al., Science 374, 100-104 (2021).
[2] M.-H. Zhang et al., Nat. Comm. 14, 1525 (2023).
[3] N. Luo et al., Nat. Comm. 14, 1776 (2023).
[4] T. Schneider et al., ACS Omega 8, 23587-23595 (2023).
[5] R. Xu et al., Adv. Mater. 35, 2210562 (2023).
[6] T. Shiraishi et al., J. Appl. Phys. 128, 044102 (2020).
[7] H. Dong et al., Ceram. Inter. 48, 16215-16220 (2022).