April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Stability of Pseudocapacitive Energy Storage in Ti3C2Tx MXene in a Wide Temperature Range

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Flex Hall C, Level 2, Summit



Ruocun Wang1,2,Mark Anayee1,2,Muhammad Nihal Naseer3,Teng Zhang1,2,Yuan Zhang1,2,Mikhail Shekhirev1,2,Kateryna Shevchuk1,2,Yong-Jie Hu2,Yury Gogotsi1,2

A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute1,Drexel University2,University of Picardie Jules Verne3


Ruocun Wang1,2,Mark Anayee1,2,Muhammad Nihal Naseer3,Teng Zhang1,2,Yuan Zhang1,2,Mikhail Shekhirev1,2,Kateryna Shevchuk1,2,Yong-Jie Hu2,Yury Gogotsi1,2

A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute1,Drexel University2,University of Picardie Jules Verne3
Pseudocapacitors have the potential to achieve high energy and high power density simultaneously, a holy grail for electrochemical energy storage. However, one obstacle facing pseudocapacitors is their shorter lifetime than commercial supercapacitors using the double-layer charge storage mechanism. In MXene-based pseudocapacitors, this concern is pronounced particularly at high temperatures due to the limited stability of the active material in aqueous solutions. This work shows that Ti3C2Tx MXene thin-film electrodes in 5 M H2SO4 possess excellent rate capabilities from -50 °C to 70 °C but also a sufficient lifetime at 70 °C using a float test holding at -0.9 V vs. Hg/Hg2SO4. Post-mortem characterization using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy showed negligible signs of oxidation in the bulk of the film. This work suggests sufficient stability of Ti3C2Tx MXene as a negative electrode in protic aqueous electrolytes across a wide temperature range rooted in thermodynamics, making it promising for pseudocapacitor energy storage.


2D materials

Symposium Organizers

Stefano Ippolito, Drexel University
Michael Naguib, Tulane University
Zhimei Sun, Beihang University
Xuehang Wang, Delft University of Technology

Symposium Support

Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Energy Advances
Progress in Materials Science The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

Session Chairs

Stefano Ippolito
Michael Naguib

In this Session