April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Evidence for The Chiral Anomaly in The Cubic Type-II Dirac Metal Pd3In7

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Room 448, Level 4, Summit



Luis Balicas1,2,Aikaterini Flessa Savvidou1,2,Andrzej Ptok3,Gargee Sharma3,Brian Casas2,Judith Clark4,Victoria Li4,Michael Shatruk1,Sumanta Tewari5

Florida State Univ1,National High Magnetic Field Lab2,Institute of Nuclear Physics3,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry4,Clemson University5


Luis Balicas1,2,Aikaterini Flessa Savvidou1,2,Andrzej Ptok3,Gargee Sharma3,Brian Casas2,Judith Clark4,Victoria Li4,Michael Shatruk1,Sumanta Tewari5

Florida State Univ1,National High Magnetic Field Lab2,Institute of Nuclear Physics3,Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry4,Clemson University5
We report a transport study on Pd3In7 which displays multiple Dirac type-II nodes in its electronic dispersion. Pd3In7 is characterized by
low residual resistivities and high mobilities, which are consistent with Dirac-like quasiparticles. For an applied magnetic field (μ0H) having a non-zero component along the electrical current, we find a large, positive, and linear in μ0H longitudinal magnetoresistivity (LMR). The
sign of the LMR and its linear dependence deviate from the behavior reported for the chiral-anomaly-driven LMR in Weyl semimetals.
Interestingly, such anomalous LMR is consistent with predictions for the role of the anomaly in type-II Weyl semimetals. In contrast, the
transverse or conventional magnetoresistivity (CMR for electric fields E μ0H) is large and positive, increasing by 103 − 104 % as a function
of μ0H while following an anomalous, angle-dependent power law ρxx ∝ (μ0H)n with n(θ) ≤ 1. The order of magnitude of the CMR, and its anomalous power-law, is explained in terms of uncompensated electron and hole-like Fermi surfaces characterized by anisotropic carrier scattering likely due to the lack of Lorentz invariance.


electronic structure | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Rafal Kurleto, University of Colorado Boulder
Stephan Lany, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Stephanie Law, The Pennsylvania State University
Hsin Lin, Academia Sinica

Session Chairs

Kirstin Alberi
Stephan Lany

In this Session