April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Advances and Challenges in The Single-Crystal Synthesis of Infinite-Layer and Ruddlesden-Popper Phase Nickelates

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
8:30am - 9:00am
Room 447, Level 4, Summit



Matthias Hepting1

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research1


Matthias Hepting1

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research1
Unconventional superconductivity remains a key focus in condensed matter research, traditionally centered on material classes such as cuprates, iron pnictides, and heavy fermion compounds. Recently, rare-earth nickel oxides have emerged as a new class with potential for unconventional superconducting behavior. Within this nickelate family, two types of structures have drawn particular interest. The first type comprises nickelates with the infinite-layer crystal structure, such as Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2, showing superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) up to 20 K. The second type encompasses Ruddlesden-Popper phase nickelates, such as La3Ni2O7, which under hydrostatic pressure manifest a remarkably high Tc of 80 K. Despite these promising observations, the possibly distinct mechanisms driving the superconductivity in these two types of nickelates are not yet fully understood.

To address this, further investigations employing advanced spectroscopic methods are warranted, which are capable of probing the complex interplay between electronic, magnetic, and lattice degrees of freedom typically found in unconventional superconductors. Accordingly, a tailored sample synthesis is desirable to meet the specific requirements of each spectroscopic technique, such as large sample masses for neutron scattering and cleavable single crystals for surface sensitive techniques.

Yet, both nickelate families present unique challenges in material synthesis that have previously hindered the application of certain spectroscopic methods. For infinite-layer nickelates, synthesis can only be realized via a topotactic reduction of the parent perovskite phase. This process is invasive for the sample surface and has previously been executed primarily on thin films and polycrystalline powders. In this talk, I will discuss our advances in the topotactic reduction of single-crystalline samples [1,2]. Furthermore, we have performed resonant ineleastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments on these crystals, providing unprecedented insights into spin excitations and charge ordering of the bulk phase [3]. The topotactic infinite-layer crystals are also suitable for future experiments using neutron or surfaces sensitive spectroscopies.

In the case of La3Ni2O7, sizable single crystals can be readily grown using the optical floating zone method and do not necessitate topotactic treatment. However, we recently observed that these crystals exhibit multiple crystallographic phases and a pronounced sensitivity to oxygen stoichiometry, affecting their physical properties. I will delineate how a close feedback loop between advanced characterization methods and iterative adjustments of growth parameters facilitates control over the material's phases, thereby enabling the realization of single crystals optimized for subsequent spectroscopic studies.

[1] P. Puphal, Y.-M. Wu, K. Fürsich, H. Lee, M. Pakdaman, J. A. N. Bruin, J. Nuss, Y. E. Suyolcu, P. A. van Aken, B. Keimer, M. Isobe, and M. Hepting, Topotactic transformation of single crystals: From perovskite to infinite-layer nickelates, Sci. Adv. 7, eabl8091 (2021).

[2] P. Puphal, B. Wehinger, J. Nuss, K. Küster, U. Starke, G. Garbarino, B. Keimer, M. Isobe, and M. Hepting, Synthesis and physical properties of LaNiO2 crystals, Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 014804 (2023).

[3] S. Hayashida, V. Sundaramurthy, P. Puphal, M. Garcia-Fernandez, Ke-Jin Zhou, M. Isobe, Y.-M. Wu, Y. E. Suyolcu, P. A. van Aken, M. Minola, B. Keimer, and M. Hepting, (unpublished)


crystal growth | electrical properties | x-ray diffraction (XRD)

Symposium Organizers

Lucas Caretta, Brown University
Yu-Tsun Shao, University of Southern California
Sandhya Susarla, Arizona State University
Y. Eren Suyolcu, Max Planck Institute

Session Chairs

Yu-Tsun Shao
Y. Eren Suyolcu

In this Session