April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Self-Assembly of Nanocrystalline Structures from Freestanding Oxide Membranes

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Room 447, Level 4, Summit



Yu-Jung Wu1,Varun Harbola1,Hongguang Wang1,2,Sander Smink1,Sarah Parks1,Peter van Aken1,2,Jochen Mannhart1

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research1,Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy2


Yu-Jung Wu1,Varun Harbola1,Hongguang Wang1,2,Sander Smink1,Sarah Parks1,Peter van Aken1,2,Jochen Mannhart1

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research1,Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy2
We present a novel route to fabricating nanocrystalline oxide structures of exceptional quality utilizing freestanding oxide membranes. The thermally induced self-assembly of nanocrystalline structures is driven by dewetting oxide membranes once they are lifted off and transferred onto sapphire substrates. Upon annealing at temperatures below the melting point of the membranes, they self-assemble systematically into a variety of nanostructures such as nanovoids, nanowires, and nanocrystals. The orientation of the nanostructures is exactly provided by the crystal lattice of the transferred membrane. The microstructure of the nanocrystals exhibits exceptional quality, characterized by a pristine crystal structure and uniform stoichiometry, and their alignment exceeds the capabilities of lithography and ion-milling techniques. These findings illustrate the nanofabrication opportunities created by dewetting complex oxides. Furthermore, the physics underlying the self-assembly process in the membranes can potentially enhance our understanding of interface diffusion, which is important to epitaxial thin film growth.


morphology | nanostructure | self-assembly

Symposium Organizers

Lucas Caretta, Brown University
Yu-Tsun Shao, University of Southern California
Sandhya Susarla, Arizona State University
Y. Eren Suyolcu, Max Planck Institute

Session Chairs

Yu-Tsun Shao
Sandhya Susarla

In this Session