April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Non-Linear Light-Matter Interactions in Quantum Materials

When and Where

May 9, 2024
8:45am - 9:15am



Su Ying Quek1

National University of Singapore1


Su Ying Quek1

National University of Singapore1
Non-linear optical phenomena are at the heart of many important technologies and spectroscopic techniques. In order to fundamentally understand, and predict, non-linear optical properties in quantum materials, it is necessary to incorporate the physics of excitons, or bound electron-hole pairs. In this work, we develop and implement a theory for the second-order optical susceptibility that takes into account excitonic effects with a first principles GW-Bethe-Salpeter-Equation (GW-BSE) approach. Using this theory, we elucidate the impact of excitons on sum-frequency generation and spontaneous parametric down-conversion in niobium oxydihalides (NbOX<sub>2</sub>, X = Cl, Br, I) [1], a material of significant current interest in non-linear optics [2]. We also predict difference-frequency generation effects in quantum materials. In addition to shift current effects (the zero-frequency response), we consider the generation of terahertz pulses due to difference frequency mixing from incoming laser pulses. Our work provides a framework to predict and understand the non-linear effects arising from continuous-wave and ultrafast laser light incident on quantum materials.<br/><br/>[1] F. Xuan, M. Lai, Y. Wu, S. Y. Quek, arXiv:2305.08345<br/><br/>[2] Nature 613, 53 (2023), Nature Photonics 16, 644 (2022), Advanced Optical Materials 2202833 (2023), Advanced Materials 33, 2101505 (2021)


optical properties

Symposium Organizers

Ajay Ram Srimath Kandada, Wake Forest University
Nicolò Maccaferri, Umeå University
Chiara Trovatello, Columbia University
Ursula Wurstbauer, Technical University of Munich

Symposium Support


Session Chairs

Ursula Wurstbauer

In this Session