Apr 23, 2024
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Room 332, Level 3, Summit
Woongbi Cho1,Sungsu Kim1,Hyeonhoo Lee1,Nara Han2,3,Hyunki Kim2,Minbaek Lee2,Tae Hee Han1,Jeong Jae Wie1,3,4
Hanyang University1,Inha University2,State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry3,The Michael M. Szwarc Polymer Research Institute4
Woongbi Cho1,Sungsu Kim1,Hyeonhoo Lee1,Nara Han2,3,Hyunki Kim2,Minbaek Lee2,Tae Hee Han1,Jeong Jae Wie1,3,4
Hanyang University1,Inha University2,State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry3,The Michael M. Szwarc Polymer Research Institute4
Sulfur-rich polymer (SRP) is a great candidate to construct a waste-based but high-performance triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), as elemental sulfur is a huge waste from the petroleum refining process and possesses the highest level of electron affinity (−200 kJ mol
-1). In our previous reports, the SRP-based TENG outperformed polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), one of the state-of-the-art triboelectric materials, by directly fluorinating the surface of SRP and adapting a blend system with fluoropolymer. However, these strategies raised environmental concerns about using F
2 gas and per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are toxic to humans. Herein, we introduce the SRP/MXene composites to circumvent environmental issues and to achieve a high-performance triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG). We achieved the maximized MXene distribution in SRP with minimized MXene content by introducing the segregated structure. This well-distributed MXene enhances triboelectrification through the enhanced dielectric constant via microscopic dipole interactions at the interface between SRP and MXene. As a result, SRP/MXene-based TENG demonstrated a record high peak voltage of 331.4 V and peak current of 19.6 μA, which are 2.9 times and 19.5 times higher than those reported in previous SRP-based TENGs. The used SRP/MXene film also can be recycled by regrinding and compressing due to its dynamic bond exchanging property, and the recycled SRP/MXene film maintains its modulus and triboelectric output performance. Finally, scaled-up 4-inch SRP/MXene film-based TENG demonstrated a record high peak power density of 3.89 W m
-2 after applying corona discharging, surpassing the reported SRP-based TENG.