April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

3D Printed Flexible Lithium-Ion Batteries with Improved Cycling Performance

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
10:30am - 10:45am
Room 321, Level 3, Summit



Ying Chen1,2,Xin Hu1,2,Yimin Chen1,2,Baozhi Yu1,2

Deakin University1,ARC Research Hub for Safe and Reliable Energy2


Ying Chen1,2,Xin Hu1,2,Yimin Chen1,2,Baozhi Yu1,2

Deakin University1,ARC Research Hub for Safe and Reliable Energy2
3D printing technology, one of the additive manufacturing techniques, has shown remarkable promise in creating flexible and tailor-made high-performance batteries, which are in high demand for the upcoming era of intelligent and widespread energy usage. Nonetheless, a notable performance disparity, particularly in terms of cycling stability, still persists between 3D-printed electrodes and traditional counterparts, severely constraining the practical utility of 3D-printed batteries. This presentation discusses the development of a range of 3D-printed electrodes based on thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) using fused deposition modeling for high-performance, flexible, and customizable lithium-ion batteries. The TPU-based electrode filaments are produced in significant quantities through a straightforward extrusion method. Consequently, the electrodes are printed with precision, offering excellent dimensional accuracy, flexibility, and mechanical stability. Notably, 3D-printed TPU-LFP electrodes demonstrate an impressive capacity retention of 100% after 300 cycles at 1C, representing one of the most robust cycling performances among all reported 3D-printed electrodes. This exceptional performance can be attributed to the outstanding stress-absorbing characteristics of the TPU-based electrodes, which effectively accommodate the volume changes during cycling and thus substantially prevent the collapse of the 3D-printed electrode structures. These findings not only open up new possibilities for creating adaptable and flexible batteries but also pave the way for bridging the performance gap between 3D-printed and traditional lithium-ion batteries.


3D printing

Symposium Organizers

Alejandro Franco, Universite de Picardie Jules Verne
Deyu Lu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dee Strand, Wildcat Discovery Technologies
Feng Wang, Argonne National Laboratory

Symposium Support

PRX Energy

Session Chairs

Shailesh Upreti
Feng Wang

In this Session