Apr 26, 2024
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Room 343, Level 3, Summit
Arjun Subedi1,Detian Yang1,Xiaoshan Xu1,Peter Dowben1
University of Nebraska–Lincoln1
The temperature dependent X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of the CoFe
4 thin film showed that core level binding energies decreased with increasing temperature. The large binding energy shifts of the Co 2p
3/2 and Fe 2p
3/2 core levels of CoFe
4 thin film, observed at room temperature, are due to large photovoltaic surface charging. The large binding energy shifts of the Co 2p
3/2 and Fe 2p
3/2 core levels, in the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of CoFe
4 thin film, decreased with increasing temperature. However, above 455 K, during annealing of the sample, shifts in the core level binding energies ceased to decrease. This shows that the prepared CoFe
4 thin film can be dielectric at room temperature but more metallic at elevated temperatures. The dielectric nature of the film was restored only when the film was annealed in sufficient oxygen, indicating that the oxygen vacancies play a role in the transition of the film from dielectric (or insulating) to conducting. In contrast, similar studies on NiCo
4 thin film showed that annealing of NiCo
4 thin film, which was observed to be conducting, could make NiCo
4 thin film insulating, and the original more metallic character of the NiCo
4 thin film could be restored only when the sample was annealed in sufficient oxygen. A model that governs the core level binding energy changes, as a function of temperature, is proposed. Furthermore, restoration of the original properties or phases of the thin films after undergoing a metal-to-insulator transition illustrates routes to regulate the surface metal-to-insulator transition, especially in the case of insulating NiCo
4 thin film which can undergo reversible metal-to-insulator transition with temperature. This work provides a better fundamental understanding of defect mediated surface phases for thin film oxides and opens avenues for defect assisted and/or temperature dependent future beyond CMOS devices.