April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Fracture Resistant Architected Polymers Using Material and Structural Size Effects

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
11:45am - 12:00pm
Room 325, Level 3, Summit



Zainab Patel1,Abdulaziz Alrashed1,Lucas Meza1

University of Washington1


Zainab Patel1,Abdulaziz Alrashed1,Lucas Meza1

University of Washington1
<b>Strength and toughness are both highly desirable properties of structural materials, but they are often thought of as mutually exclusive, i.e., it is difficult to increase one without decreasing the other. Much work has gone toward developing materials that are both strong and tough using different composite architectures and material processing techniques, but they generally ignore the role of length scale and structural size-effects on toughness. In this work, we develop nanoarchitected polymeric materials that utilize heterogeneity and size-affected ductility to enhance their toughness without sacrificing strength. We create specimens with layered architectures in a micro-single edge notch bend configuration using two-photon lithography and various post-processing techniques. Gradually reducing the layer thickness (D) resulted in an increased fracture energy and slower, stable crack propagation, a phenomenon that became pronounced as the layer thickness approached or was smaller than the material fracture process zone (D ≦ FPZ). This energetic size effect is quantified using Bazant’s Size Effect Law. The thinnest of these layered structures demonstrated an increase in toughness by 5x from 60 J/m2 to 300 J/m2 as interlayer spacing was increased from 0 to 4 um, a value that is augmented by the creation of heterogeneity along the crack path. Cracks are observed to rapidly propagate in specimens with no interlayer spacing, but then show increasing blunting and deflection in structures with moderately spaced interlayers (~ 3 um). For larger interlayer spacings (&gt;3 um), cracks do not propagate through; rather, deflect along the interlayer even at very large displacements. Notably, these materials do not show an appreciable loss in strength and stiffness up to an intermediate layer spacing despite a ~40% reduction in density. The results of this study not only demonstrate the large degree of tunability in these architectures but also show how to fundamentally utilize size effects to create architected materials with unprecedented properties.</b>


additive manufacturing | nanostructure

Symposium Organizers

Emily Davidson, Princeton University
Michinao Hashimoto, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Emily Pentzer, Texas A&M University
Daryl Yee, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Symposium Support

UpNano US Inc.

Session Chairs

Emily Pentzer
Daryl Yee

In this Session