April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Atomic Scale imaging of Topotactic Phase Transitions in Freestanding Strontium Cobaltite Membranes

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Room 342, Level 3, Summit



Seung Sae Hong1,Hudson Shih1,Rohan Dhall2,Yayoi Takamura1

University of California, Davis1,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2


Seung Sae Hong1,Hudson Shih1,Rohan Dhall2,Yayoi Takamura1

University of California, Davis1,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory2
Topotactic phase transitions (TPTs) are structural phase changes that involve the significant loss or gain of oxygen atoms while preserving the crystalline framework of the lattice. In perovskite oxides, TPTs have recently emerged as innovative pathways for designing complex oxide materials. These transitions induce dramatic alterations in metal oxidation states and atomic coordination, enabling a wide range of electromagnetic ground states, from magnetic ordering to unconventional superconductivity. Moreover, the reversible nature of TPTs holds promising implications for practical applications such as neuromorphic computing devices, garnering significant attention in both fundamental physics and device applications.

Despite the growing research interest in TPTs in recent years, the microscopic details of these transitions, encompassing both structural changes and ionic transport, remain largely unexplored. This is partly due to the constraints imposed by the thin film heterostructure geometry, which limits our ability to directly visualize the transition through conventional means. In this report, we present recent advancements in freestanding oxide membranes that enable the local nature of TPTs to be visualized using electron microscopy. As a model system to comprehend the local structure of TPTs, we examined strontium cobaltite (SrCoO3-δ), which can transition between a ferromagnetic metal (perovskite) and an antiferromagnetic insulator (brownmillerite). Transmission electron microscopy studies of SrCoO3-δ membranes unveiled the formation of anisotropic domains in the midst of the transition. Furthermore, atomic-scale images revealed the intricate nature of strains and crystallographic symmetries that dictate the domain patterns. Freestanding oxide membranes offer an ideal platform for in-situ and in-operando studies of TPTs, providing insights into the predictable design of switching phenomena in oxide materials.


oxide | transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Symposium Organizers

John Heron, University of Michigan
Morgan Trassin, ETH Zurich
Ruijuan Xu, North Carolina State University
Di Yi, Tsinghua University

Symposium Support


Arrayed Materials (China) Co., Ltd.
NBM Design, Inc.

Session Chairs

Ruijuan Xu
Chan-Ho Yang

In this Session