April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Origin of strong Auger-Meitner recombination in AlGaN deep-ultraviolet emitters

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Room 345, Level 3, Summit



Nick Pant1,2,Kyle Bushick1,Woncheol Lee1,Chris Van de Walle3,Emmanouil Kioupakis1

University of Michigan1,The University of Texas at Austin2,University of California, Santa Barbara3


Nick Pant1,2,Kyle Bushick1,Woncheol Lee1,Chris Van de Walle3,Emmanouil Kioupakis1

University of Michigan1,The University of Texas at Austin2,University of California, Santa Barbara3
The quantum efficiency of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light-emitting diodes lags severely behind its visible-light counterparts. Continued advancements in the synthesis and doping of AlGaN alloys are expected to reduce extrinsic losses, however the intrinsic energy-loss mechanisms in AlGaN are less well understood. Auger-Meitner recombination (AMR) is a non-radiative process involving the scattering of three carriers via the Coulomb interaction that causes the quantum efficiency of light emitters to decrease (droop) at high operating powers. The importance of this non-radiative-loss mechanism in AlGaN remains unclear, because its ultra-wide band gap makes it exceedingly difficult to simultaneously satisfy energy and crystal-momentum conservation for the direct AMR process. In this work, we develop and apply first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory to obtain mechanistic insights into the radiative and AMR processes in bulk AlGaN alloys and AlGaN quantum wells. We find that the additional momentum provided by electron-phonon coupling and alloy disorder lead to indirect AMR coefficients C in AlGaN that are as large as in InGaN (C ~ 10<sup>-31</sup> cm<sup>6</sup>/s), which is known to suffer from severe efficiency droop. Moreover, we find that quantum confinement introduces a new scattering channel that significantly exacerbates AMR in AlGaN quantum wells, leading to an enhancement of the C/B ratio (where the B coefficient quantifies the radiative recombination) by an order of magnitude relative to the bulk. We propose experimentally feasible approaches for removing disorder and minimizing quantum confinement to mitigate efficiency droop in AlGaN DUV emitters.


electron-phonon interactions

Symposium Organizers

Hideki Hirayama, RIKEN
Robert Kaplar, Sandia National Laboratories
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, University of California, Santa Barbara
Matteo Meneghini, University of Padova

Symposium Support

Taiyo Nippon Sanso

Session Chairs

Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Matthew McCluskey

In this Session