April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Lattice-Geometry Driven Hybrid Nodal Fermions in Topological Semimetals

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Room 448, Level 4, Summit



Sougata Mardanya2,Bahadur Singh1

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai1,Howard University2


Sougata Mardanya2,Bahadur Singh1

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai1,Howard University2
Successful classification of topological electronic states based on the crystalline lattice symmetries led to the identification of many topological materials through high-throughput first-principles modeling. Such symmetry-to-topology characterizations, however, ignore the effects of various crystallographic or nanoscopic motifs and their associated wavefunction properties even though they are essential for describing the numbers, energy-momentum relations, and geometries of the nontrivial states. Here, we discuss how spatial arrangements of atoms dictate the nature of energy dispersions of topological states in materials [1]. Specifically, we focus on anisotropic lattice materials and demonstrate that the lattice geometry-driven effective mass anisotropies dictate the hybrid nodal-line states by considering transition metal tetraphosphides MP4 (M = Transition metal) as exemplary materials. We also discuss a general theory of incorporating orientation-dependent carrier effective masses as experimental fingerprints for determining energy dispersion in topological materials.

[1] B. Patra, R. Verma, S.-M. Huang, B. Singh, arXiv:2304.13086 (2023).


quantum materials

Symposium Organizers

Rafal Kurleto, University of Colorado Boulder
Stephan Lany, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Stephanie Law, The Pennsylvania State University
Hsin Lin, Academia Sinica

Session Chairs

Kirstin Alberi
Stephan Lany

In this Session