Apr 23, 2024
11:00am - 11:15am
Room 421, Level 4, Summit
Mulan Yang1,Guangming Cheng2,Nitish Mathur1,Ratnadwip Singha1,Fang Yuan1,Nan Yao2,Leslie Schoop1
Princeton University1,Princeton Materials Institute2
Mulan Yang1,Guangming Cheng2,Nitish Mathur1,Ratnadwip Singha1,Fang Yuan1,Nan Yao2,Leslie Schoop1
Princeton University1,Princeton Materials Institute2
As the demand for increasingly varied types of 1-dimensional (1D) materials grows, there is a greater need for simple and scalable methods to synthesize these materials. Chemical exfoliation is commonly used to make 2-dimensional (2D) materials, often in a way that is both straightforward and suitable for making larger quantities, yet this method has thus far been underutilized for synthesizing 1D materials. In the few instances when chemical exfoliation has been used to make 1D materials, the starting compound has been a van der Waals material, thus excluding any structures without these weak bonds inherently present. We demonstrate here that ionically bonded crystals can also be chemically exfoliated to 1D structures by choosing KFeS
2 as an example. Using chemical exfoliation, antiferromagnetic 1D nanoribbons can be yielded in a single step. The nanoribbons are crystalline and closely resemble the parent compound both in structure and in intrinsic antiferromagnetism. The facile chemical exfoliation of an ionically bonded crystal shown in this work opens up opportunities for the synthesis of both magnetic and non-magnetic 1D nanomaterials from a greater variety of starting structures.