Apr 24, 2024
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Room 440, Level 4, Summit
Qianqian Li1
Shanghai University1
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) now has become one of the most influential techniques in nanoscience and nanoengineering characterization fields, which can be used to study the structure, component or valence at sub-angstrom scale. We involved the advanced Cs-corrected S/TEM to reveal the microstructural evolution of the non-noble catalyst for carbon dioxide hydrogenation. Firstly, we designed a porous Co@C catalysts derived from a novel layered metal-organic framework (MOF) with tunable pore sizes for CO
2 hydrogenation. Pointing out the dependence of the durability on the pore size. Secondly, we find the partial loss of catalytic activity of non-noble CoFe alloy catalysts, as exposed to oxygen, can be attributed to the migration of Co element from the core region of CoFe alloy to the surface. The adsorption energy of H for CoFe
4 shell is stronger than Fe
4 shell, so it is harder to fully desorb for H in the follow reaction process. Lastly, we revealed the non-noble catalyst structure stability optimization strategies and mechanisms in long-term reaction process for CO
2 hydrogenation. The studies above provide a new viewpoint to design high-performance catalyst and modify their structures.