April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

A Modified NiOx Layer for Robust and Photostable Organic Solar Cells

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm
Room 328, Level 3, Summit



David Garcia Romero1,Lorenzo Di Mario1,Feng Yan1,Carolina Ibarra Barreno1,Suhas Mutalik1,Loredana Protesescu1,Petra Rudolf1,Maria Antonietta Loi1

University of Groningen1


David Garcia Romero1,Lorenzo Di Mario1,Feng Yan1,Carolina Ibarra Barreno1,Suhas Mutalik1,Loredana Protesescu1,Petra Rudolf1,Maria Antonietta Loi1

University of Groningen1
Metal-oxide transport layers have become an essential building block for fabricating thin-film solar cells. In particular, the robustness, inert nature, easy processability from solution, and high carrier mobilities offered by several both n-type, such as SnO2 or ZnO, and p-type, like NiOX or MoOX, have made them promising candidates for improving performance and scaling up organic solar cells1,2. Nevertheless, the inherent formation of surface traps during the fabrication process, originating either from structural defects or from ligand residuals, can influence negatively the solar cell characteristics and device stability, and ultimately make them fail to become a standard transport layer.
Herein, we have studied independently two different systems: firstly an n-i-p structure using SnO2 as the bottom n-type layer and, secondly, a p-i-n structure with a bottom NiOX as the p-type layer. In both cases, commercially available well-known colloidal inks were employed.
For the first case, s-shaped J-V curves and poor device stability evidenced the suboptimal interface quality with SnO2. We identified the presence of potassium ions as stabilizing ligands, staying on the film surface as trap sites. By removing them with a simple washing with deionized water, we remove the s-shape and improve the device efficiency from 12.82% to 16.26% and the stability to maintain up to ≈87% after 100 hours3.
In the second case, a low VOC is found when NiOX is used as the hole transport layer with the same active layer. Through the combination of multiple spectroscopic methods, we pinpoint the specific NiOX structural surface defects that are limiting the charge extraction, and we propose a passivation strategy using carbazole-based self-assembly monolayers (SAMs). We demonstrate the passivation mechanism and we generalize it by screening out several SAMs. After all the optimization, solar cells with around 18% of power conversion efficiency are demonstrated.

[1] Fakharuddin, A., Vasilopoulou, M., Soultati, A., Haider, M.I., Briscoe, J., Fotopoulos, V., Di Girolamo, D., Davazoglou, D., Chroneos, A., Yusoff, A.R.b.M., Abate, A., Schmidt-Mende, L. and Nazeeruddin, M.K., Sol. RRL, 2021, 5: 2000555.
[2] R. Sorrentino , E. Kozma , S. Luzzati and R. Po , Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, 14 , 180 —223
[3] Garcia Romero, D., Di Mario, L., Yan, F., Ibarra-Barreno, C. M., Mutalik, S., Protesescu, L., Rudolf, P., Loi, M. A., Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 2307958.


defects | surface chemistry

Symposium Organizers

Derya Baran, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Dieter Neher, University of Potsdam
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, University of California, Santa Barbara
Oskar Sandberg, Åbo Akademi University

Symposium Support

Enli Technology Co., Ltd.

1-Material, Inc.

Session Chairs

Brian Collins
Chad Risko

In this Session