April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Electrically Induced Directional Ion Migration in Two-Dimensional Perovskite Heterostructures

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
8:45am - 9:00am
Room 334, Level 3, Summit



Jee Yung Park1,Yoonho Lee1,Letian Dou1

Purdue University1


Jee Yung Park1,Yoonho Lee1,Letian Dou1

Purdue University1
Understanding ion migration in halide perovskite materials is key to enhancing both device performance and stability. The introduction of two-dimensional (2D) perovskites has improved stability, spurring increased interest in understanding ion migration in these materials. Hindered by the challenge in building a reliable device platform, prior studies primarily focused on heat and light induced ion migration. Here, we construct a high-quality single crystal 2D perovskite heterostructure, free from grain boundaries and impurities. Using a device platform fabricated through a multi-step dry transfer process to realize near defect-free van der Waals contact, we achieve real-time visualization and imaging of directional ion migration. Notably, aside from the expected directional ion migration driven by the electric field, we discover the unique behavior of halide anions inter-diffusing against the field under strong and prolonged bias. Spatial confocal photoluminescence mapping reveals a halide migration channel that aligns with the crystal edge of high electrical conductivity, highlighting the role that electric current plays in ion migration. Finally, after a sustained mild bias, stable junction diodes exhibiting ~1000-fold forward to reverse current ratio are realized due to directional ion migration-induced asymmetricity. This study unveils important fundamental insights on halide migration under electrical bias, paving the way toward high-performance electronic and optoelectronic devices.


electromigration | perovskites

Symposium Organizers

Ivan Mora-Sero, Universitat Jaume I
Michael Saliba, University of Stuttgart
Carolin Sutter-Fella, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Yuanyuan Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Symposium Support

Journal of Energy Chemistry

Session Chairs

Jin-Wook Lee
Michael Saliba

In this Session