Apr 25, 2024
9:30am - 10:00am
Room 421, Level 4, Summit
Thow Min Jerald Cham1,Saba Karimeddiny1,Orion Smedley1,Reiley Dorrian1,Xiyue Zhang1,Avalon Dismukes2,Daniel Chica2,Andrew F. May3,David Muller1,Xavier Roy2,Daniel Ralph1,Yunqiu Kelly Luo4,1
Cornell University1,Columbia University2,Oak Ridge National Laboratory3,University of Southern California4
Thow Min Jerald Cham1,Saba Karimeddiny1,Orion Smedley1,Reiley Dorrian1,Xiyue Zhang1,Avalon Dismukes2,Daniel Chica2,Andrew F. May3,David Muller1,Xavier Roy2,Daniel Ralph1,Yunqiu Kelly Luo4,1
Cornell University1,Columbia University2,Oak Ridge National Laboratory3,University of Southern California4
In this two-part talk, we will first present our recent progress in advancing spin-orbit-torque metrology by adapting an ultrasensitive Sagnac magneto-optic interferometry originally developed for measuring time-reversal-symmetry breaking in exotic superconductors, and applying it for the first time to measuring spin-orbit torques. We will introduce the concept of Sagnac interferometry with an ultrahigh Kerr sensitivity of ~ 5μRad/√Hz and describe how such high sensitivity allows quantitative measurements of spin-orbit torque by sensing current-induced small-angle magnetization tilting. This method is especially advantageous for insulating magnets for which conventional transport spin-orbit torque metrology can be disrupted by magneto-thermal artifacts, but it can also be applied widely to broad classes of magnets regardless of conductivity and small net magnetization.
Secondly, we will present our recent work in identifying the gigahertz antiferromagnetic resonances within the easy-axis van der Waals (vdW) magnet CrSBr and understanding how their frequencies and intermode coupling can be controlled by the combination of external magnetic fields and magnetic anisotropy [3]. We will show that exchange bias from CrSBr acting on the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 induces a spatially non-uniform spin configuration through the thickness of the Fe3GeTe2 that is not readily achievable with conventional magnetic materials, and can provide the symmetry breaking needed to enable field-free spin-orbit-torque switching in Pt/Fe3GeTe2/CrSBr heterostructures [4].
[1] S. Karimeddiny*, T. M. Cham, D. C. Ralph, and Y. K. Luo*, Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque. arXiv: 2109.13759 (2021)
[2] S. Karimeddiny*, T. M. J. Cham*, O. Smedley, D. C. Ralph, and Y. K. Luo*, Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque. Science Advances, 9 eadi9039 (2023)
[3] T. M. J. Cham*, S. Karimeddiny, A. H. Dismukes, X. Roy, D. C. Ralph, and Y. K. Luo*, Anisotropic gigahertz frequency antiferromagnetic resonance in layered van der Waals semiconductor. Nano Letters, 22, 6716-6723 (2022)
[4] T. M. J. Cham*, R. Dorrian, X. S. Zhang, A. H. Dismukes, D. G. Chica, X. Roy, A. F. May, D. A. Muller, D. C. Ralph, and Y. K. Luo*, Exchange bias between van der Waals materials: tilted magnetic states and field-free spin-orbit-torque switching. Advanced Materials, 2305739 (2023)