April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Interlayer Charge Transfer in 2D Hybrid Perovskites Containing Electroactive Ligands towards Enhanced Charge Carrier Transport

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm
Room 444, Level 4, Summit



Wouter Van Gompel1,Yorrick Boeije2,Youcheng Zhang2,Pratyush Ghosh2,Szymon Zelewski2,3,Arthur Maufort1,Bart Roose2,Zher Ying Ooi2,Rituparno Chowdhury2,Ilan Devroey1,Stijn Lenaers1,Alasdair Tew2,Krishanu Dey2,Hayden Salway2,Richard Friend2,Henning Sirringhaus2,Laurence Lutsen1,4,Akshay Rao2,Samuel Stranks2,Dirk Vanderzande1,4

Universiteit Hasselt1,University of Cambridge2,Wroclaw University of Science and Technology3,IMEC4


Wouter Van Gompel1,Yorrick Boeije2,Youcheng Zhang2,Pratyush Ghosh2,Szymon Zelewski2,3,Arthur Maufort1,Bart Roose2,Zher Ying Ooi2,Rituparno Chowdhury2,Ilan Devroey1,Stijn Lenaers1,Alasdair Tew2,Krishanu Dey2,Hayden Salway2,Richard Friend2,Henning Sirringhaus2,Laurence Lutsen1,4,Akshay Rao2,Samuel Stranks2,Dirk Vanderzande1,4

Universiteit Hasselt1,University of Cambridge2,Wroclaw University of Science and Technology3,IMEC4
The family of hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskites are the subject of intense interest for optoelectronic applications. Due to the electronically inert nature of most organic molecules, the inorganic sublattice generally dominates the electronic structure and therefore optoelectronic properties of perovskites. However, over the past years interest in the incorporation of electronically active organic cations has been increasing.[1] We use optically and electronically active carbazole-based Cz-C<sub>i</sub> molecules [2-3], where C<sub>i</sub> indicates an alkylammonium chain and i indicates the number of CH<sub>2</sub> units in the chain, varying from 3−5, as cations in the 2D perovskite structure (Cz-C<sub>i</sub>)<sub>2</sub>PbI<sub>4</sub>. We demonstrate a tunable electronic coupling between the inorganic lead-halide and organic layers. The strongest interlayer electronic coupling was found for (Cz-C<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>PbI<sub>4</sub>. We measure ultrafast hole transfer from the photoexcited lead-halide layer to the Cz-C<sub>i</sub> molecules, the efficiency of which increases by varying the chain length from i=5 to i=3. The charge transfer results in long-lived carriers (10 – 100 ns) and quenched emission. Electrical charge transport measurements using single-carrier devices show markedly increased out-of-plane carrier mobilities compared to (PEA)<sub>2</sub>PbI<sub>4</sub>, with carrier mobility increasing from i=5 to i=3.[4]<br/><br/>[1] Van Gompel, W.T.M.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D., Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2023, Advance Article (10.1039/D3TC02553E)<br/><br/>[2] Herckens, R.; Van Gompel, W. T. M.; Song, W. Y.; Gelvez-Rueda, M. C.; Maufort, A.; Ruttens, B.; D'Haen, J.; Grozema, F. C.; Aernouts, T.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D., Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (45), 22899-22908 (10.1039/c8ta08019d)<br/><br/>[3] Van Landeghem, M.; Van Gompel, W. T. M.; Herckens, R.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Van Doorslaer, S.; Goovaerts, E., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125 (33), 18317-18327 (10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c05005)<br/><br/>[4] Boeije, Y.; Van Gompel, W. T. M.; Zhang, Y.; Ghosh, P.; Zelewski, S.; Maufort, A.; Roose, B.; Ying Ooi, Z.; Chowdhury, R.; Devroey, I.; Lenaers, S.; Tew, A.; Dai, L.; Dey, K.; Salway, H.; Friend, R. H.; Sirringhaus, H.; Lutsen, L.; Vanderzande, D.; Rao, A.; Stranks, S. D., Journal of the American Chemical Society 2023, Just Accepted (10.1021/jacs.3c05974)


2D materials | photoconductivity

Symposium Organizers

Michal Baranowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Alexey Chernikov, Technische Universität Dresden
Paulina Plochocka, CNRS
Alexander Urban, LMU Munich

Symposium Support

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Session Chairs

Michal Baranowski
Sascha Feldmann

In this Session