April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Event Supporters

2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Emergent Properties in SrIrO3 Heterostructures Grown by Metalorganic MBE

When and Where

Apr 23, 2024
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Room 447, Level 4, Summit



Ryan Comes1

Auburn University1


Ryan Comes1

Auburn University1
Transition metal complex oxides exhibit a host of intriguing properties for new technologies that can be tuned by the choice of ions from the 3<i>d</i>, 4<i>d</i>, and 5<i>d</i> blocks of the periodic table. This combination of properties, including superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and ferroelectricity, in a single class of materials offers rich opportunities for engineering of unusual combinations of behavior through the design of multi-layer thin films. Such heterostructures can exhibit topological phenomena due to interfacial coupling between distinct phases. Our work employs hybrid metal-organic MBE and <i>in situ </i>X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to explore oxide films that exhibit strong spin-orbit coupling and interfacial charge transfer. We have demonstrated the growth of hard-to-grow materials including SrNbO<sub>3</sub>, SrIrO<sub>3</sub>, and SrHfO<sub>3</sub> using metal-organic precursors and examined how interfacial phenomena can be tuned via charge transfer.<br/><br/>In this talk, I will discuss our work on SrIrO<sub>3</sub> heterostructures grown using an Ir(acac)<sub>3</sub> solid-source metal-organic precursor. We have synthesized epitaxial films under different thickness and strain conditions and examined the role that these play on the electronic transport and carrier dynamics. We show that the metallicity can be tuned via increasing compressive strain and employ time-domain THz spectroscopy to examine the origins of this behavior. Additionally, we have examined ways to tune the Fermi level in SrIrO<sub>3</sub> using SrNbO<sub>3</sub> as an n-type interfacial donor and SrCoO<sub>3</sub> as a ferromagnetic p-type interfacial acceptor. I will discuss how these interfaces change the transport behavior in SrIrO<sub>3</sub> through charge transfer using <i>in situ </i>XPS and <i>ex situ </i>X-ray absorbtion spectroscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. These new synthesis capabilities open routes to tuning of electronic structure in iridate films, which have been predicted to exhibit superconductivity in low-dimensional systems.


Ir | molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) | x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

Symposium Organizers

Lucas Caretta, Brown University
Yu-Tsun Shao, University of Southern California
Sandhya Susarla, Arizona State University
Y. Eren Suyolcu, Max Planck Institute

Session Chairs

Sandhya Susarla
Y. Eren Suyolcu

In this Session