April 22 - 26, 2024
Seattle, Washington
May 7 - 9, 2024 (Virtual)
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit

Harvesting Motion via Polymers: From Mechanisms to Electricity

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
10:15am - 10:45am
Room 332, Level 3, Summit



Peter Sherrell1,2,Ronald Leon2,Andris Sutka3,Amanda Ellis2

RMIT University1,The University of Melbourne2,Riga Technical University3


Peter Sherrell1,2,Ronald Leon2,Andris Sutka3,Amanda Ellis2

RMIT University1,The University of Melbourne2,Riga Technical University3
For many centuries people have pondered (notably and dubiously Thales of Miletus)<sup>[1]</sup> why some materials become electrically charged when brought into contact with other, dissimilar, materials. We now know that this charging phenomena is governed either by piezoelectricity from deformation, for non-centrosymmetric unit cells, or contact electrification (also known as triboelectricity) from interfacial friction. While piezoelectricity (and ferroelectricity) is well understood, the mechanisms of contact electrification remain a subject of debate in the literature.<sup>[2]</sup> This debate on the driving force being electron-, ion-, or material-transfer,<sup>[2-3]</sup> coupled to poor measurement techniques leading to conflation of piezoelectric and contact electrification,<sup>[4-5]</sup> has limited the design of optimal polymer energy harvesters.<br/><br/>If we can develop improved understandings of how polymers charge from friction, we can design devices that can capture motion to harvest electricity,<sup>[6]</sup> drive chemical reactions,<sup>[7]</sup> or even enable wound healing.<sup>[8]</sup><br/><br/>To address this lack of understanding, we have studied how polymers generate charge at a contact interface. This has linked the polarity of generated charge directly to polymer structure via cohesive energy density,<sup>[9]</sup> and surface topography.<sup>[10]</sup> These relatively simple understandings have enabled the production of layer-by-layer ‘laminate’ assemblies from arbitrary polymers.<sup>[11]</sup> These laminates, which function purely off contact electrification and interfacial friction, generate internal dipole moments that mimic piezoelectric polymers – enabling exceptionally efficient vibrational energy harvesting. Finally, we demonstrate the use of recycled foamed/expanded polystyrene to fabricate such laminates, capable of harvesting over 12 µA and 200 V from just 16 N of force. Moving forwards, these laminates, as well as piezoelectric polymers,<sup>[12]</sup> are being studied tools to drive catalytic reactions ranging from fuel production through to small molecule synthesis.<br/><br/>This talk aims to provide a pathway to design highly efficient electromechanically active surfaces from polymers towards catalysis and sustainable chemistry.<br/><br/>References:<br/>[1] P. Iversen, et al., <i>Journal of Electrostatics</i> <b>2012</b>,<i> 70</i>, 309,<i> </i>10.1016/j.elstat.2012.03.002<br/>[2] D. J. Lacks, et al., <i>Nature Reviews Chemistry</i> <b>2019</b>,<i> 3</i>, 465,<i> </i>10.1038/s41570-019-0115-1<br/>[3] A. Šutka, et al., <i>Advanced Materials Interfaces</i> <b>2023</b>,<i> n/a</i>, 2300323, 10.1002/admi.202300323<br/>[4] R. T. Leon, et al., <i>Nano Energy</i> <b>2023</b>,<i> 110</i>, 108445,<i> </i>10.1016/j.nanoen.2023.108445<br/>[5] A. Šutka, et al., <i>Adv. Mater.</i> <b>2020</b>,<i> 32</i>, 2002979,<i> </i>10.1002/adma.202002979<br/>[6] A. Šutka, et al., <i>ACS Applied Energy Materials</i> <b>2023</b>,<i> </i>10.1021/acsaem.3c01196<br/>[7] J. Zhang, et al., <i>Journal of the American Chemical Society</i> <b>2021</b>,<i> 143</i>, 3019,<i> </i>10.1021/jacs.0c11006<br/>[8] F.-C. Kao, et al., <i>Science and Technology of Advanced Materials</i> <b>2022</b>,<i> 23</i>, 1,<i> </i>10.1080/14686996.2021.2015249<br/>[9] P. C. Sherrell, et al., <i>ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces</i> <b>2021</b>,<i> 13</i>, 44935,<i> </i>10.1021/acsami.1c13100<br/>[10] O. Verners, et al., <i>Nano Energy</i> <b>2022</b>,<i> 104</i>, 107914,<i> </i>10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107914<br/>[11] A. Linarts, et al., <i>Small</i> <b>2023</b>,<i> 19</i>, 2205563, 10.1002/smll.202205563<br/>[12] N. A. Shepelin, et al., <i>Nature Communications</i> <b>2021</b>,<i> 12</i>, 3171,<i> </i>10.1038/s41467-021-23341-3



Symposium Organizers

Jinbo Bai, CNRS ECParis
Daniel Hallinan, Florida State University
Chang Kyu Jeong, Jeonbuk National University
Andris Sutka, Riga Technical University

Session Chairs

Yang Bai
Andris Sutka

In this Session