Dec 5, 2024
3:00pm - 3:15pm
Hynes, Level 2, Room 208
Julia Puerstl1,Ravit Silverstein1,Florent Mignerot1,2,Nicolo Maria della Ventura1,Bailey Rhodes1,Solene Dassonneville2,Jeremiah Thomas1,Thomas Cornelius2,Glenn Balbus1,3,Tresa Pollock1,Carlos Levi1,Anton Van der Ven1,Daniel Gianola1
University of California, Santa Barbara1,Aix-Marseille Université2,Lehigh University3
Julia Puerstl1,Ravit Silverstein1,Florent Mignerot1,2,Nicolo Maria della Ventura1,Bailey Rhodes1,Solene Dassonneville2,Jeremiah Thomas1,Thomas Cornelius2,Glenn Balbus1,3,Tresa Pollock1,Carlos Levi1,Anton Van der Ven1,Daniel Gianola1
University of California, Santa Barbara1,Aix-Marseille Université2,Lehigh University3
The push for increased functionality and high temperature stability of future structural materials prompts increasing attention towards body centered cubic (bcc) alloys, primarily refractory- or Ti-based. In light of the increased demand for sustainable alloying systems with simplified base element constitution, the present study focuses on investigations in the binary Ti-Nb system. As a sub-class of the bcc beta-Ti alloys, the Ti-Nb system is characterized by the presence of a metastable bcc structure at room temperature, and allows for a combination of the high temperature refractory stability of Nb with the remarkable ductility and functionality of Ti-based alloys.
Of interest is specifically the equimolar Ti-50Nb composition, which falls inside a predicted chemical spinodal. This spinodal can be tuned by the addition of oxygen, prompting a decomposition into Ti-rich and Nb-rich domains that can act as precursors for further phase transformations.
The present study investigated two aspects of these phase transformations through targeted addition of up to 1.4at%O in the Ti-50Nb system:
1) The thermally induced evolution of a hcp-bcc network during a controlled heat treatment within the chemical spinodal, as a strengthening mechanism in Ti-50Nb. This was facilitated by heat treatments of dehydrided powder alloys in a controlled O atmosphere.
2) The stress induced (martensitic) evolution of phases along the bcc to hcp transformation pathway prompted by subcooling into a metastable state from the single-phase bcc region, to promote low modulus pseudoelasticity [1]. This was facilitated by heat treatments of bulk samples prepared by arc melting with the addition of controlled amounts of TiO
Significant changes in mechanical properties were tracked using a combination of thin foil tension and micropillar compression, and linked to hcp or martensitic phase evolution by detailed phase analysis on the basis of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and micro-Laue diffraction. The results are presented in the framework of wider refractory multi-principal element alloy (RMPEA) performance, the role of impurity elements in bcc alloys, and the application of advanced diffraction-based characterization for the tracking of phase evolutions in these systems.