December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy of Ge from an Elemental Source

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Edgard Winter da Costa1,Megan Goh2,Kevin Schulte1,Matthew Young1,John Simon1,Aaron Ptak1

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1,Amherst College2


Edgard Winter da Costa1,Megan Goh2,Kevin Schulte1,Matthew Young1,John Simon1,Aaron Ptak1

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1,Amherst College2
Halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) shows promise for low cost III-V device manufacturing because of its high growth rates compared to other growth methods and the use of lower cost elemental precursors [1]. In HVPE, the elemental sources react in situ with anhydrous HCl to form volatile metal chloride growth species. Germanium (Ge) is one useful semiconductor material that is typically grown using GeCl4 or GeH4 but has never been grown using an elemental Ge source by flowing anhydrous HCl over Ge metal to form a volatile chloride, as is done for Ga and In in HVPE. This would be a useful advancement for HVPE growth toward the development of, for example, an epitaxial bottom junction of an inverted triple junction solar cell, which helps enable substrate reuse, or as a sacrificial layer for epitaxial lift off or controlled spalling. Also, recycled Ge substrates can be used as source material, conserving this critical material. Therefore, our goal is to develop and understand the growth of Ge from an elemental Ge source by HVPE. Thermodynamic calculations suggest the driving force for GeCl2 generation from HCl and Ge is high in an inert N2ambient, but the driving force for growth is low. In contrast, little GeCl2 forms in situ from HCl and solid Ge in an H2 carrier, although the driving force for growth from an externally injected GeClx source is high, presenting a challenge to control the ambient in the source and deposition regions. Here, we show that it is possible to deposit Ge by generating GeCl2 from solid Ge and HCl in a N2 ambient and then supplying a source of active hydrogen locally at the substrate to drive growth.
We grew Ge at 350 Torr and 800 °C, using elemental Ge also held at 800 °C, in a N2 ambient. The source region where the GeCl2 forms is contained within a quartz boat that is physically separated from the deposition region. To achieve Ge growth, we inject hydride gases, AsH3 and PH3, as sources of active hydrogen, to the growth surface. We do not observe Ge growth unless a supply of active hydrogen is added to the system, consistent with thermodynamic calculations. For a given HCl(Ge) flow rate, the Ge growth rate initially increases with increasing hydride flow, but then begins to decrease. The maximum growth rate reached increases with increasing HCl(Ge), and the peak growth rate also shifts to higher hydride flow rates with higher HCl(Ge), which likely indicates a competition between growth and etching processes because AsH3 is known to etch Ge surfaces [2]. Ge growth from a chloride likely features a kinetic barrier analogous to that observed for GaAs growth, namely the saturation of the surface with Cl atoms. We speculate that the addition of active hydrogen to the surface, in this case in the form of pyrolyzed hydrides, reduces the Cl from the surface and allows for continued Ge growth. One drawback of using group V hydrides to drive the Ge reaction is that the group Vs are dopants in Ge. We observed As or P concentrations in the Ge films, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, in the range of 4x1017 – 1x1018 atoms/cm3, concentrations that can drastically influence device characteristics. However, we note that there are numerous other “helper molecule” options that can provide active hydrogen without doping or etching the material. This work provides a path forward for the deposition of high-quality Ge for optoelectronic devices from an elemental source.

[1] J. Simon, III-V-Based Optoelectronics with Low-Cost Dynamic Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy. Crystals 9, 3, (2019).

[2] W.E. McMahon and J.M. Olson. An STM Survey of As/Ge(mnn) and P/Ge (mnn) Surfaces. NCPV Program Review Meeting, 121-122 (2000).


crystal growth | Ge | vapor phase epitaxy (VPE)

Symposium Organizers

David Fenning, University of California, San Diego
Monica Morales-Masis, University of Twente
Hairen Tan, Nanjing University
Emily Warren, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Symposium Support

First Solar, Inc.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Session Chairs

David Fenning
Monica Morales-Masis
Emily Warren

In this Session