December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Nickel Intercalation of Two-Dimensional SnS2 for Enhancing Optical Absorption and Tuning Ultrafast Photoexcited Carrier Dynamics

When and Where

Dec 3, 2024
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Camille Williams1,Sepideh Khanmohammadi1,Kateryna Kushnir1,Ronald Grimm1,Kristie J. Koski2,Lyubov Titova1

Worcester Polytechnic Institute1,University of California, Davis2


Camille Williams1,Sepideh Khanmohammadi1,Kateryna Kushnir1,Ronald Grimm1,Kristie J. Koski2,Lyubov Titova1

Worcester Polytechnic Institute1,University of California, Davis2
Two-dimensional (2D) SnS2 is a layered semiconductor with a band gap in the visible range of spectrum (~ 2.3 eV) and high carrier mobility.1,2 It has been put forth as a potential material for solar energy conversion.3 Here, we demonstrate that zerovalent intercalation of atomic Ni into the van der Waals gap of SnS2 can change its optical and electronic properties, allowing absorption of light not only in the blue-green but over the entire visible spectrum. We also find that it significantly changes the lifetime of the charge carriers injected over the 2.3 eV gap. In the case of 400 nm excitation, we find that all optically injected carriers are trapped or recombine within 100 ps, while the lifetime of ~ 3x that is observed in pristine SnS2. We hypothesize that Ni introduces a significant concentration of free carriers which enable broad spectrum absorption, while at the same time introducing additional trap states that limit the photoexcited carrier lifetime. Thus, Ni intercalation can thus be used to engineer the properties of SnS2 for its applications in solar energy conversion as well as for other optoelectronic and photonic applications.

(1) Huang, Y.; Sutter, E.; Sadowski, J. T.; Cotlet, M.; Monti, O. L. A.; Racke, D. A.; Neupane, M. R.; Wickramaratne, D.; Lake, R. K.; Parkinson, B. A.; et al. Tin disulfide—an emerging layered metal dichalcogenide semiconductor: materials properties and device characteristics. ACS Nano 2014, 8 (10), 10743-10755. DOI: 10.1021/nn504481r.
(2) Kushnir Friedman, K.; Khanmohammadi, S.; Morissette, E. M.; Doiron, C. W.; Stoflet, R.; Koski, K. J.; Grimm, R. L.; Ramasubramaniam, A.; Titova, L. V. Ultrafast Shift Current in SnS2 Single Crystals: Structure Considerations, Modeling, and THz Emission Spectroscopy. Advanced Optical Materials n/a (n/a), 2400244. DOI:
(3) Giri, B.; Masroor, M.; Yan, T.; Kushnir, K.; Carl, A. D.; Doiron, C.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, Y.; McClelland, A.; Tompsett, G. A.; et al. Balancing light absorption and charge transport in vertical SnS2 nanoflake photoanodes with stepped layers and large intrinsic mobility. Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9 (31). DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201901236.


2D materials | spectroscopy

Symposium Organizers

Jon Major, University of Liverpool
Natalia Maticiuc, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Nicolae Spalatu, Tallinn University of Technology
Lydia Wong, Nanyang Technological University

Symposium Support

Physical Review Journals

Session Chairs

Jon Major
Nicolae Spalatu

In this Session